Could not integral: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi everyone,
Does anyone can tell me what's wrong with my code? I always receives the warnings:
Warning: Infinite or Not-a-Number value encountered.
U = 14; L = 7; d = (U-L)/2;
d_star = d;
T = ( U+L )/(1+1); % symmeric
alpha = 0.10;
Le = 0.05;
for kursi = [0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3]
sigma = fzero( @(sigma) Le - (sigma./d)^2 - ( kursi.*sigma./d).^2, 1 ) ;
mu = kursi*sigma + T;
j = 1;
for n = [25 50 100 150 200]
delta = ( n.^(1/2) ).*kursi ;
B = (n*d_star^2)/sigma^2;
i= 1;
for x = 7:0.01:14
sample = normrnd(mu,sigma,1,n);
% fK = ( 2^(-(n-1)/2)/gamma((n-1)/2) ).*((B.*x.*(1-t)).^(n-3)/2 ).*exp(-B.*x.*(1-t)/2);
fun = @(t) ( sqrt( (B^3).*x./t )./2 ).*( ( 2^(-(n-1)/2) / gamma((n-1)/2) ).*( (B.*x.*(1-t)).^((n-3)/2) ).*exp(-B.*x.*(1-t)/2) ).*( normpdf(sqrt(B*x*T)+delta,0,1) + normpdf(sqrt(B*x*T)-delta,0,1) );
pdf_Lehat(j,i) = integral(@(t) fun(t),0,1);
i = i + 1;
j = j + 1;
x = 7:0.01:14;
plot(x, pdf_Lehat(1,:)); hold on
plot(x, pdf_Lehat(2,:)); hold on
plot(x, pdf_Lehat(3,:)); hold on
plot(x, pdf_Lehat(4,:)); hold on
plot(x, pdf_Lehat(5,:)); hold on
I guess the problem may be the handle ,fun, especially the mid part of the code (i.e. the above code, fK). Hope you can give me some advice, thanks!
  9 Commenti
Torsten il 27 Set 2018
Modificato: Torsten il 27 Set 2018
In the evaluation of plotfun, you use B=4.0e4, x=14, n=200 and T=10.5.
Now specify a value for t and evaluate all parts of "plotfun" separately for these parameter values for B,x,n and T. See where there might be problems in the evaluation (e.g. gamma((n-1)/2)= gamma(199/2) seems too huge, 2^(-(n-1)/2)=2^(-199/2) seems too small).
Best wishes
Chao-Zhen Liu
Chao-Zhen Liu il 29 Set 2018
Modificato: Chao-Zhen Liu il 30 Set 2018
Hi Torsten,
I have try to use log() or gammaln() and then use exp() to make some adjustment for the part that are too small or too big but it still could not work... could you have any idea?
If you want to see my code, please tell me and I will attach it right way when I am back to my computer.
U = 14; L = 7; d = (U-L)/2;
d_star = d;
T = ( U+L )/(1+1); % symmeric
alpha = 0.10;
Le = 0.05;
for kursi = [0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3]
sigma = fzero( @(sigma) Le - (sigma./d)^2 - ( kursi.*sigma./d).^2, 1 ) ;
mu = kursi*sigma + T;
j = 1;
for n = [25 50 100 150 200]
delta = ( n.^(1/2) ).*kursi ;
B = (n*d_star^2)/sigma^2;
i= 1;
for x = 7:0.01:14
sample = normrnd(mu,sigma,1,n);
% fK = ( exp(log(2^(-(n-1)/2)))/exp(gammaln((n-1)/2)) ).*((B.*x.*(1-t)).^(n-3)/2 ).*exp(-B.*x.*(1-t)/2);
fun = @(t) ( sqrt( exp(log(B^3)).*x./t )./2 ).*( exp(log(2^(-(n-1)/2)))/exp(gammaln((n-1)/2)) ).*exp(log(((B.*x.*(1-t)).^(n-3)/2 ))).*exp(-B.*x.*(1-t)/2).*( normpdf(sqrt(exp(log(B*x*T)))+delta,0,1) + normpdf(exp(log(sqrt(B*x*T)))-delta,0,1) );
pdf_Lehat(j,i) = integral(@(t) fun(t),0.001,1);
i = i + 1;
j = j + 1;
Above is my code, what's wrong with my code? Thanks!

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 30 Set 2018
The values of your integral are so small that they cannot be represented in double precision, and can barely be represented in the Symbolic Toolbox either. Values like 2*10^(-87012)
  12 Commenti
Chao-Zhen Liu
Chao-Zhen Liu il 2 Ott 2018
Hi Walter,
About what you question me, I do not understand because I do not know why I have a 3D array of values near -81000... but I will recheck my equations as the top priority thing!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 2 Ott 2018
Your term exp(-B.*x.*(1-t)/2) is responsible. The -B*x/2 is coming out at about 35000 and the 1-t flips that to about exp(-35000 *t)

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