How can I run a MPC simulation on command line using a Custom QP Solver?

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I have designed a mpc object (mpc1) for a control scenario (scenario1) using mpcDesigner.
Then, I have exported mpc1 to Workspace and I have generated a MATLAB script to reproduce current controller design (see Figure 1).
Now, I want to use a Custom QP Solver, so I run on the command line the following:
src = which('mpcCustomSolver.txt');
dest = fullfile(pwd,'mpcCustomSolver.m');
In this way, the Custom QP Solver to be used is 'quadprog'.
function [x, status] = mpcCustomSolver(H, f, A, b, x0)
% mpcCustomSolver allows user to specify a custom quadratic programming
% (QP) solver to solve the QP problem formulated by MPC controller. When
% the "mpcobj.Optimizer.CustomSolver" property is set true, instead of
% using the built-in QP solver, MPC controller will now use the customer QP
% solver defined in this function for simulations in MATLAB and Simulink.
% The MPC QP problem is defined as follows:
% Find an optimal solution, x, that minimizes the quadratic objective
% function, J = 0.5*x'*H*x + f'*x, subject to linear inequality
% constraints, A*x >= b.
% Inputs (provided by MPC controller at run-time):
% H: a n-by-n Hessian matrix, which is symmetric and positive definite.
% f: a n-by-1 column vector.
% A: a m-by-n matrix of inequality constraint coefficients.
% b: a m-by-1 vector of the right-hand side of inequality constraints.
% x0: a n-by-1 vector of the initial guess of the optimal solution.
% Outputs (fed back to MPC controller at run-time):
% x: must be a n-by-1 vector of optimal solution.
% status: must be an finite integer of:
% positive value: number of iterations used in computation
% 0: maximum number of iterations reached
% -1: QP is infeasible
% -2: Failed to find a solution due to other reasons
% Note that even if solver failed to find an optimal solution, "x" must be
% returned as a n-by-1 vector (i.e. set it to the initial guess x0)
% The following code is an example of how to implement the custom QP solver
% in this function. It requires Optimization Toolbox to run.
% Define QUADPROG options and turn off display of optimization results in
% Command window.
options = optimoptions('quadprog');
options.Display = 'none';
% By definition, constraints required by "quadprog" solver is defined as
% A*x <= b. However, in our MPC QP problem, the constraints are defined as
% A*x >= b. Therefore, we need to implement some conversion here:
A_custom = -A;
b_custom = -b;
% Compute the QP's optimal solution. Note that the default algorithm used
% by "quadprog" ('interior-point-convex') ignores x0. "x0" is used here as
% an input argument for illustration only.
H = (H+H')/2; % ensure Hessian is symmetric
[x, ~, Flag, Output] = quadprog(H, f, A_custom, b_custom, [], [], [], [], x0, options);
% Converts the "flag" output to "status" required by the MPC controller.
switch Flag
case 1
status = Output.iterations;
case 0
status = 0;
case -2
status = -1;
status = -2;
% Always return a non-empty x of the correct size. When the solver fails,
% one convenient solution is to set x to the initial guess.
if status <= 0
x = x0;
As a custom QP solver is going to be used, I set
Finally, to reproduce the simulation with the Custom QP Solver I run the following in the command line:
%%specify simulation options
options = mpcsimopt();
options.MVSignal = mpc1_MVSignal;
options.RefLookAhead = 'on';
options.MDLookAhead = 'off';
options.Constraints = 'on';
options.OpenLoop = 'off';
%%run simulation
[y,t,u]=sim(mpc1, 151, mpc1_RefSignal, mpc1_MDSignal, options);
But I always get this error:
The number of rows and columns in H must equal the number of elements of f.
Error in quadprog (line 254)
Error in mpcCustomSolver (line 48)
[x, ~, Flag, Output] = quadprog(H, f, A_custom, b_custom, [], [], [], [], x0, options);
Error in mpc_solveQP (line 39)
Error in mpc_simPostprocess (line 12)
Error in sim (line 94)
As it is said in function [x, status] = mpcCustomSolver(H, f, A, b, x0) H,f are provided by MPC controller at run-time, so I can't guess what am I doing wrong.
% Inputs (provided by MPC controller at run-time):
% H: a n-by-n Hessian matrix, which is symmetric and positive definite.
% f: a n-by-1 column vector.
% A: a m-by-n matrix of inequality constraint coefficients.
% b: a m-by-1 vector of the right-hand side of inequality constraints.
% x0: a n-by-1 vector of the initial guess of the optimal solution.
Taking all these into account, every help is wellcome in order to solve the following questions :
1) Is the approach explained above correct? I mean, Can I follow this strategy in order to run the simulation using a Custom QP Solver?
2) In case that the approach explained above is not correct, How can I run the simulation on command line using a Custom QP Solver? Is there an alternative?
2) In case that the approach explained above is correct, How can I solve the error in quadprog ?
The number of rows and columns in H must equal the number of elements of f.
Error in quadprog (line 254)

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