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Converting Histogram of Image

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
mohamad mohebian
mohamad mohebian il 31 Dic 2018
Risposto: Rahul punk il 15 Feb 2019
I have filtered an image and I have histogram of de-noised image. When I compared this histogram with Reference Image histogram, I noticed that there is a little different between them. How can I convert this histogram to be like Reference Image histogram?
This is hist of Reference Image.
And this is the histogram of de-noised Image:
  5 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 1 Gen 2019
All I can say is that you then need to come up with a better denoising routine.
Keep in mind though that many denoising routines remove what they think are noise which does not necessarily guarantee that they will return to the original image that noise was added to.
Let's say I was looking a a photo of sand, and then I added noise to the sand. It might look nearly identical to the original sand photo. Then removing noise might make the image smoother and that might have less noise in terms of variation overall and in local neighborhoods but that won't necessarily make it more like the original image.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 1 Gen 2019
That up/down/up/down for the histogram does not look plausible to me for CT -- **unless* the histogram is being taken at the wrong width or with badly planned centers, or other similar mistakes are made in processing.
For example if you have uniform random over [0,2] and you round() that, then 1/4 will go to 0, 1/2 will go to 1, and 1/4 will go to 2, whereas most people would probably have guessed that 1/2 would go to 1 and 1/2 would go to 2.

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Rahul punk
Rahul punk il 15 Feb 2019


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