isn't a matlab command, it's a function which was propsed by gonzalez in his book "Image Processing using Matlab", the source code of it is given below
function PQ = paddedsize(AB, CD, PARAM)
%PADDEDSIZE Computes padded sizes useful for FFT-based filtering.
% PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB), where AB is a two-element size vector, computes the
% two-element size vecter PQ = 2*AB.
% PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, 'PWR2') computes the vector PQ such that PQ(1) =
% PQ(2) = 2^nextpow2(2*m), where m is MAX(AB).
% PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, CD), where AB and CD are two-element size vectors,
% computes the two-element size vector PQ. The elements of PQ are the
% smallest even integers greater than or equal to AB + CD -1.
% PQ = PADDEDSIZE(AB, CD, 'PWR2') computes the vector PQ such that PQ(1) =
% PQ(2) = 2^nextpow2(2*m), where m is MAX([AB CD]).
% Function rewritten from Gonzalez, Woods, Eddins; Digital Image Processing using Matlab
If Matlab tells, that the command cannot be found, it is not available.
If the function is published in theFileExchange, searching there would help. Otherwise asking your favorite search engine for "Matlab paddedsize" is promissing.
lookfor searchs the H1-lines. While Matlab's built-in commands repeate the name of a function in the H1-line, I do not think that this is really useful.docsearch has much more power. And especially the submissions in the FEX support H1-lines partially only.
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