How do i do a two dimensional linear regression fit

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I'm working with winddata and for a model i need to do a two-dimensional linear regression fit of the form
(x1,X2) and (y1,y2) are know and i want to determine to a and b coefficients.
Can anybody help me with this? The x en y coordinates are both 4392x2.
Thanks in advance!

Risposte (3)

the cyclist
the cyclist il 24 Lug 2012
Do you have the Statistics Toolbox? If so, I believe you can use the mvregress() function to do this.
  2 Commenti
jdm_dm il 24 Lug 2012
Thanks for the quick response! But it doesn't seems to work. I've put the x and y coordinates in separate arrays respectively X and Y (both size 4392x2). When i do p=mvregress(Y,X)I get an error message: X must be a cell array if Y has multiple columns.
When I try to put X in a cell array (I call him mycell) and then try p=mvregress(Y,mycell) I get the following error: Undefined function 'isnan' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
the cyclist
the cyclist il 24 Lug 2012
Modificato: the cyclist il 24 Lug 2012
I suggest you look at the "flu" example here:
to help you debug your syntax.

Accedi per commentare.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 24 Lug 2012

Bahloul Derradji
Bahloul Derradji il 2 Lug 2020
use the following ready to use example code:
this is the mainfile.m
clear all
close all
xdata =( -1:0.1:+1);
[X,Y]= meshgrid(xdata,ydata);
Z=A*exp(-((X/ax).^2+(Y/ay).^2))+ 0.05*rand(ny,nx);
s = surf(X,Y,Z,'FaceAlpha',0.4);
s.EdgeColor = 'none';
s.FaceColor = 'red';
x = reshape(X,[],1);
y = reshape(Y,[],1);
z = reshape(Z,[],1);
[fitresult, gof] = createFit(x, y, z);
Here is the createFit.m script;
function [fitresult, gof] = createFit(x, y, z)
%% Fit: 'Gaussian fit 1'.
[xData, yData, zData] = prepareSurfaceData( x, y, z );
% Set up fittype and options.
ft = fittype( 'a*exp(-(x/wx)^2-(y/wy)^2)', 'independent', {'x', 'y'}, 'dependent', 'z' );
opts = fitoptions( 'Method', 'NonlinearLeastSquares' );
opts.Display = 'Off';
opts.StartPoint = [0.890036233228213 0.330202242514021 0.22970119787112];
% Fit model to data.
[fitresult, gof] = fit( [xData, yData], zData, ft, opts );
% Plot fit with data.
figure( 'Name', 'Gaussian fit 1' );
h = plot( fitresult, [xData, yData], zData );
legend( h, 'Gaussian fit 1', 'z vs. x, y', 'Location', 'NorthEast' );
% Label axes
xlabel x
ylabel y
zlabel z
grid on
% enjoy.


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