Help with REGEXP: extracting info from a fragment of URL inside the HTML code.
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Hey guys, I have used webread/urlread to get info from this site, the outcome is huge but I'm only interested in these lines:
<li class=''><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=-1'> < </a></li>
<li class=''><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=1'>1</a></li>
<li class=''><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=2'>2</a></li>
<li class=''><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=3'>3</a></li>
<li class=''><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=4'>4</a></li>
<li class=''><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=5'>5</a></li>
<li class='disabled'><span>...</span></li>
<li><a href='/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=22'>22</a></li>
If you notice, there's a 'segment' from the main url included in this part of the HTML code (this one: /en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=5). From this, I'd like to get the numbers at the very end of this fragment, or the numbers between the >< symbols (like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 22).
I tried this foolishly thinking it was going to help but it didn't:
[a1, a2]=regexp(url, pattern,'match');
But it didn't work. Do you have any suggestions for this one? I previously tried '<li[^>]*><a[^>]*>(.*?)</a></li>' and 'tokens' option and although it captures these values, it also captures a lot of stuff I don't want.
Thanks for your help!
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Risposta accettata
per isakson
il 3 Mag 2019
Modificato: per isakson
il 4 Mag 2019
"Keep in mind that regular expressions are not a robust or neat way to parse HTML:" Anyhow, it can be used as an exercise on regular expressions.
>> cssm('h:\m\cssm\cssm.txt')
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 22
function num = cssm( ffs )
str = fileread( ffs );
xpr = '/en/index.php?f=2222&exch=IBIS&showcategories=STK&p=&cc=&limit=100&page=';
xpr = regexptranslate( 'escape', xpr );
xpr = ['(?<=',xpr,'\d+''>)\d+(?=<)'];
cac = regexp( str, xpr, 'match' );
num = str2double( cac );
and where h:\m\cssm\cssm.txt contains the html-code of the question.
The length of the look-behind-text varies because of the expression, '\d+', which may hamper performance.
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