How to convert date by changine date format from text file?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I'd like to convert date according to first three column as day-month-year hour:minute:second.
  • A column: Year
  • B column: Day of the year
  • C column: Hour
I tried to do it, not achieving.

Risposta accettata

Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito il 25 Giu 2019
Modificato: Kojiro Saito il 26 Giu 2019
Simply, you can utilize table's functioinalities.
t = readtable('test5.txt');
% Create datetime and display as "day-month-year hour:minute:second" format
dt = datetime([t.Var1 ones(height(t), 1) t.Var2 t.Var3 zeros(height(t), 1) zeros(height(t), 1)], 'Format', 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss');
% Insert datetime variable to the table as "datestr" column
t.datestr = dt;
% Write a table as a file
writetable(t, 'output.txt')
Based on your comment, the following is what you want. removevars and movevars were introduced in R2018a.
t = readtable('test5.txt');
% Convert to datetime
dt = datetime([t.Var1 ones(height(t), 1) t.Var2 t.Var3 zeros(height(t), 1) zeros(height(t), 1)]);
% Insert datetime variables to original table
t.datestr = datetime(dt, 'Format', 'dd-MM-yyyy');
t.timestr = datetime(dt, 'Format', 'HH:mm:ss');
% Delete column 1 to 3
T2 = removevars(t, 1:3);
% Move datestr and timestr to the first and second columns
T2 = movevars(T2, {'datestr', 'timestr'}, 'Before',1);
% Write table as a tab separated file without headers
writetable(T2, 'output.txt', 'WriteVariableNames', false, 'Delimiter', 'tab')

Più risposte (1)

Himanshu Rai
Himanshu Rai il 25 Giu 2019
Try this function, it accepts three vectors corresponding to year, day and hour
function Dt = conv(Year, Day, Hour)
Dt = datetime(Year, 1, 1) + Day - 1 + hours(Hour);
  6 Commenti
Himanshu Rai
Himanshu Rai il 25 Giu 2019
If you want to read data from the file, use this link - textscan. However note that this was not what was specified in your question. If you want something else please specify it clearly in your question.
Dogan Deniz Karadeniz
Dogan Deniz Karadeniz il 25 Giu 2019
Sorry about that. Indeed, I need to write output other columns together in the text file.

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