I need some help in seeing where I am going wrong and how to proceed with writing a particular funciton for a MATLAB course I am taking please.
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Alexander Villanueva
il 26 Giu 2019
Commentato: Mukti Awad
il 18 Ago 2019
The question is this:
Write a function called max_sum that takes v, a row vector of numbers, and n, a positive integer as inputs. The function needs to find the n consecutive elements of v whose sum is the largest possible. In other words, if v is [1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1] and n is 3, it will find 4 5 and 4 because their sum of 13 is the largest of any 3 consecutive elements of v. If multiple such sequences exist in v, max_sum returns the first one. The function returns summa, the sum as the first output argument and index, the index of the first element of the n consecutive ones as the second output. If the input n is larger than the number of elements of v, the function returns 0 as the sum and -1 as the index. Here are a few example runs:
[summa, index] = max_sum([1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1],3)
summa = 13
index = 4
[summa, index] = max_sum([1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1],2)
summa = 9
index = 4
THe code I have written so far is as follows. My problem is that I am stuck on obtaining the largest possible sum. I wrote code and have been able to generate different sums in a vector but I am unable to put those answers in a vector themselves, by putting the answers in a vector I want to be able to use the 'max' function to obtain the largest sum. I haven't even touched finding the 'index' portion yet. Here's my code:
function [summa,index] = max_sum(v,n)
r = 0;
summa = zeros(1,length(v)); %% created a vector of 0's to length of v
if n > length(v)
summa = 0;
index = -1;
while n <= length(v)
summa = sum(v(r+1:n)) % here need to replace 0's with the sum (with logical index) so i can choose max
r = r+1;
n = n+1;
summa = max(summa);
index = n;
%summa = v;
%index = n;
Again, I need some help because I am unsure how to proceed from here. Thank you.
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Risposta accettata
James Tursa
il 27 Giu 2019
Modificato: James Tursa
il 27 Giu 2019
Some issues:
n is a fixed input ... you should not be changing n inside your function. Get rid of that n = n + 1 statement.
The values you are summing v(r+1:n) isn't correct. You need to be summing n consecutive numbers. So, assuming the first index of these numbers is r, the subset would be v(r:r+n-1)
The loop needs to run as long as that last index of r+n-1 isn't greater than numel(v).
Prior to the loop, you should initialize summa and index to default values (e.g., maybe summa = -inf, or perhaps the sum of the first sequence of numbers in the vector). The summa variable is a scalar value (see the examples), not a vector, so you shouldn't be initializing it to a vector of zeroes.
Inside the loop you should have something like this logic:
if( the sum of the v(r:r+n-1) elements is greater than the current value of summa )
save the sum in summa and save the r in index
Give a try at making these changes and then post replies on this thread if you have more problems.
2 Commenti
James Tursa
il 27 Giu 2019
Modificato: James Tursa
il 27 Giu 2019
if n >= length(v)
should be this:
if n > length(v)
while n < numel(v)
doesn't match my suggestion:
while( that last index of r+n-1 isn't greater than numel(v) )
And this:
if sum(v(r:r+n-1)) == sum(v(r-1:r-1+n-1))
doesn't match my suggestion either:
if( the sum of the v(r:r+n-1) elements is greater than the current value of summa )
Also, your entire if-elseif-end block is more complicated than my suggestion of a simple if-end block, so look at that again.
So, take a look at fixing these up and then get back to us with your progress.
Più risposte (1)
Mukti Awad
il 16 Ago 2019
I am getting this error while executing code
- Assessment result: incorrect[1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1]max_sum([ 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 ], 10) returned the following MATLAB error: Index exceeds the number of array elements (9).
- Assessment result: incorrectrandom vectorsVariable summa has an incorrect value. max_sum([ 71 -54 17 60 -51 -3 98 -65 -61 35 90 94 -11 -69 82 -86 -12 ], 5) returned sum = 121 and index = 3 which is incorrect...
2 Commenti
James Tursa
il 16 Ago 2019
Probably best if you open up a new Question. Also, we can't help you correct your code unless we see your code, so post your current code along with your Question.
Mukti Awad
il 18 Ago 2019
Code is here:
function [summa,index] = max_sum(v,n)
r = 1;
summa = 0;
index = 0;
if n > length(v)
summa = 0;
index = -1;
while n < numel(v)
r = r+1;
if sum(v(r:r+n-1)) == sum(v(r-1:r-1+n-1))
elseif sum(v(r:r+n-1)) > sum(v(r+1:r+1+n-1))
index = r;
summa = sum(v(r:r+n-1));
Getting error:
Assessment: 0 of 2 Tests Passed
More Info
Assessment result: incorrect[1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1]
max_sum([ 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 ], 10) returned the following MATLAB error:
Index exceeds the number of array elements (9).
Assessment result: incorrectrandom vectors
Variable summa has an incorrect value.
max_sum([ -81 -77 -45 -68 7 85 -9 30 89 62 83 83 94 -77 52 43 -62 -76 -2 26 -80 ], 2) returned sum = 92 and index = 5 which is incorrect...
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