Variable size class properties for C++ code export

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Dear all,
I would like to use a class as input to a function that is later exported to C++-code.
Something like:
classdef inputClass
var(:, 1)
b = 0
Here var(:, 1) means, that I want var to be of variable size. However, as soon as I use var the coder complains about mismatching sizes, stating that var is of size 0x1. Can I somehow declare a class property to be of variable size? According to the page here, coder.varsize does not work.
Thanks in advance
  3 Commenti
winkmal il 14 Ago 2019
Which Matlab version are you on? I don't have Coder either, but this reminds me very much of a problem I had some time ago, which turned out to be a bug! This was in R2017b, so it should be fixed by now. Read here for details.
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen il 10 Mar 2020
Did you end up getting this resolved? I am running into the same error.

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Risposte (1)

Sayyed Ahmad
Sayyed Ahmad il 10 Lug 2019
The defination of var is wrong.
it's ok if you write
classdef inputClass
b = 0
function o = inputClass(varargin)
if nargin == 2
o.var = varargin{1};
o.b= varargin{2};
error("the nuber of arguments do not match!")
>>x=inputClass([1 2 3],2)
x =
inputClass with properties:
var: [1 2 3]
b: 2
  2 Commenti
Guillaume il 10 Lug 2019
Modificato: Guillaume il 10 Lug 2019
"The defination of var is wrong."
From a pure matlab point of view (ignoring coder), there is nothing wrong with the definition of var. Can you explain what you mean by that?
Sayyed Ahmad
Sayyed Ahmad il 10 Lug 2019
you can def. a variable without dimension or a fix dimension. But a def. like var(:,1) could not be handel by compeiler.
Compeiler could be handel a calling of variable by var(:,1) but not the def. of variable.

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