double-click on "uilistbox" App designer
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Hallop everyone,
How can I execute a double-click on ListBox in App Designer?
Thank you in Advance
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Risposte (2)
Kevin Chng
il 23 Gen 2020
Modificato: Kevin Chng
il 23 Gen 2020
Up to R2019b, app designer don’t have this feature,
It is because if you click on the selected item, no event will be triggered. Therefore, we could say only single click is allowed under this limitaion.
You can use button to replace list box. [toggle button group will behave same as list box, so you could not use this], use the 'normal' button for this.
For example :
Step 1 : For example : 3 selection: Create 3 button
Step 2 : Create callback function for each of them (it is a bit tedious, I have 3 button, then I have 3 callback function)
Step 3: Create private function click
Step 4 : here you go:
(Single Click the button, it turns blue)
(Double Click the button, it turns red)
You might have further question about ‘how’and ‘where’ could you put your algorithm:
You could put your algorithm in the click function
0 Commenti
Chidvi Modala
il 18 Lug 2019
function listbox_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if strcmp(get(gcf,'selectiontype'),'open')
% here you write write code, which you wanna be executed afer double-click
function clickcallback(obj,evt)
persistent chk
if isempty(chk)
chk = 1;
pause(0.5); %Add a delay to distinguish single click from a double click
if chk == 1
fprintf(1,'\nI am doing a single-click.\n\n');
chk = [];
chk = [];
fprintf(1,'\nI am doing a double-click.\n\n');
8 Commenti
Brett Mther
il 26 Set 2020
This solution doesn't work for my application. If I double click on a ListBoxItem that is already selected, the ValueChangedFcn callback doesn't fire.
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