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executing an m file with user input and plots using app designer

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have worked on some program that has a loop and each time it takes user input using GUI slider and based on the input some calculations are done and the results are printed on the screen and some graph are plotted.
Now that I have made sure that the program works I want to do the same thing using matlab app designer.
since its my first time making app in matlab I was wondering what resources can be used in such case. is there a way to integrate the input from the app with the calculation in the m file then going back to the app to plot and print the results.
  1 Commento
Adam il 29 Ago 2019
App designer is based around a central GUI class which you can add properties and methods to, making it very easy to integrate code with inputs from the GUI and pass them to another function in a different callback, since all callbacks have access to the central app and anything stored on it.

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