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Why autocorr(x) and xcorr(x,x) give different results?

53 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
JOB il 13 Set 2019
Modificato: JOB il 14 Set 2019
I was trying to find the autocorrelation of a matrix 'x' using autocorr, however cross correlation function (xcorr) is giving me the expected results. The code used is given below, what could be the reason? is there a method by which they can be made equal?
x=randi([0 1],1,64); %Random values 0 & 1
aut_x=autocorr(x); % autocorrelation function of x
crs_x=xcorr(x,x); % cross correlation function of x with itself

Risposte (1)

KALYAN ACHARJYA il 13 Set 2019
Please read here (Difference between autocorr & xcorr)




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