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Live script tasks: Reading the variables from a table using "tasks"

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
To whom it may concern:
I have been using the "tasks" functionality in the Live Scripts, since its release in R2019b.
I am trying to look at table data, both columns within the table are numeric. It is attached as a *.mat file.
However, I am not able to access the variable from the table for the X-axis. What could be wrong or what am I doing wrong?
Should I place the data in another format for the "task" to work?
Thank you in advance.

Risposta accettata

Lola Davidson
Lola Davidson il 5 Mar 2020
Hi GS76,
The reason that you cannot access the table variable is that the "X-axis" dropdown is filtering out table variables that will cause the generated code to error. Here, the variable chosen for "X-axis" must be sorted with unique elements. Neither of the table variables in your MAT file are sorted and both contain duplicates.
This "X-axis" corresponds to the "SamplePoints" name-value pair in the function ISCHANGE. Please see this documentation page for further information:

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