cnn for feature extraction
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i am doing project on image classification.i have converted image in R,G and B i need to extract features from each channel using can i use cnn for feature extraction in image.
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Risposte (3)
Sourav Bairagya
il 16 Dic 2019
As you have your RGB images ready, then you can define your custom convolutional neural network using 'dlNetwork' object and train it to extract features out of it.
For training you can leverage this link:
For extracting feature from the trained network, use 'predict' function. To know more about this leverage this link:
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esther MUKOYA
il 25 Gen 2021
Kindly could you share on the method used to convert the images to RGB?
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Shahram Taheri
il 19 Lug 2022
imds = imageDatastore('Your Dataset PATH', ...
imds = shuffle(imds);
[imdsTrain,imdsValidation] = splitEachLabel(imds,0.7);
net = resnet18;
inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize;
augimdsTrain = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsTrain,'ColorPreprocessing','gray2rgb');
augimdsTest = augmentedImageDatastore(inputSize(1:2),imdsValidation,'ColorPreprocessing','gray2rgb');
layer = 'pool5';
featuresTrain = activations(net,augimdsTrain,layer,'OutputAs','rows');
featuresTest = activations(net,augimdsTest,layer,'OutputAs','rows');
YTrain = imdsTrain.Labels;
YTest = imdsValidation.Labels;
classifier = fitcecoc(featuresTrain,YTrain);
YPred = predict(classifier,featuresTest);
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