How to make cosine Distance classify

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Kong il 13 Mar 2020
Commentato: Kong il 17 Mar 2020
Hello! I am a beginner in Matlab.
I have dataset that consisted of 90 data (10 label x 9 data).
Can I get an idea to make classify based on cosine distance or euclidean distance, etc?
  2 Commenti
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 13 Mar 2020
Can you show an example of your dataset. For example, attach a small dataset and describe what is your expected output.
Kong il 13 Mar 2020
I attached the file. The dataset is consisted of 120 x 2353 (column 2353 is label, 0~6).
I want to calculate each rows using cosine distance or euclidean distance and classify the result.
Thank you!

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Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 14 Mar 2020
If you want to classify a new vector by using the Euclidean or cosine distance between the rows of your matrix and the new vector the try this
data = readmatrix('geo01_KTH.csv');
predictors = data(:, 1:end-1);
labels = data(:, end);
predictors = normalize(predictors, 2, 'range'); % normalize each row to be in range 0-1
x = rand(1, 2352); % generate a random vector
euclidean_dist = pdist2(predictors, x, 'euclidean');
cosine_dist = pdist2(predictors, x, 'cosine');
[~, euclidean_index] = min(euclidean_dist);
[~, cosine_index] = min(cosine_dist);
euclidean_prediction = labels(euclidean_index);
cosine_prediction = labels(cosine_index);
  11 Commenti
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 17 Mar 2020
What is the size of predictors_train and x?
Kong il 17 Mar 2020
I am sorry that I was mistaken.
predictors_train : 80 x 2856, predictors_test : 10 x 2856,
When I modify the code as below, I got this value.
How can I compare this prediction with real labels to calculate accuracy?
for i = 1:10
euclidean_dist{i} = pdist2(predictors_train, predictors_test(i,:), 'euclidean');
[~, euclidean_index{i}] = min(euclidean_dist{i});
euclidean_prediction{i} = labels(euclidean_index{i});

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