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error when using cuda 10.1 in matlab?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
youb mr
youb mr il 16 Mar 2020
when i compiling cudu in matlab.. it shows error like the following..
Error using vl_compilenn>nvcc_compile (line 615)
Command "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\bin\nvcc"
-c -o "G:\MatConvNet\matlab\mex\.build\bits\data.obj"
"G:\MatConvNet\matlab\src\bits\" -DENABLE_GPU -DENABLE_DOUBLE -O
-DNDEBUG -D_FORCE_INLINES --std=c++11 -I"G:\MATLAB\R2019b\extern\include"
-gencode=arch=compute_61,code=\"sm_61,compute_61\" --compiler-options=/MD
--compiler-bindir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Studio\2019\Community\VC\bin" failed.
Error in vl_compilenn (line 487)
nvcc_compile(opts, srcs{i}, objfile, flags) ;

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