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Azzera filtri

[Fixed-point converter] Passing constant struct to entry point

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have passed a constant struct to the input of MATLAB HDL Coder.Lets say param.a = 'red'
In the code, it is responsible for choosing a certain code path:
if param.a == 'red'
% do HDL Coder supported stuff
% do only MATLAB supported stuff
% etc. etc.
However the fixed-point converter still wants me to define a replacement function for linspace, even if it is not in the active code path. Somehow it does not understand, that param is constant.
As this thread suggests, I tried defining param as coder.Constant input, which did not help and I also used a System Object to wrap the code and put param in the nontunable properties
properties (Nontunable)
,to explicitly tell the fixed-point converter that param is constant, which is replied by
Property 'param' of class 'ExampleClass' is a structure type. Classes with structure properties are not supported.
Is there any possibility to let also the fixed-point converter know, that param is indeed compile time constant?
Then the feature of excluding unused paths of the coder should work for this scenario.

Risposta accettata

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali il 20 Mar 2020
I have used coder.Const as shown in the example mlhdlc_tutorial_image_hdr.m on the first option.
exArgs = {int16(1), int16(100),coder.Constant(struct('hdl', true))};
fc = coder.config('fixpt');
fc.TestBenchName = 'dut_tb';
hc = coder.config('hdl');
codegen -float2fixed fc -config hc -args exArgs dut
I was able to generate fixed-point code and HDL code with the command.
>> runme
Design Name: dut
Test Bench Name: dut_tb
============= Step1: Analyze floating-point code ==============
============= Step1a: Verify Floating Point ==============
### Analyzing the design 'dut'
### Analyzing the test bench(es) 'dut_tb'
### Begin Floating Point Simulation (Instrumented)
### Floating Point Simulation Completed in 1.1713 sec(s)
### Elapsed Time: 1.6844 sec(s)
============= Step2: Propose Types based on Range Information ==============
============= Step3: Generate Fixed Point Code ==============
### Generating Fixed Point MATLAB Code dut_fixpt using Proposed Types
### Generating Fixed Point MATLAB Design Wrapper dut_wrapper_fixpt
### Generating messages during fixed-point conversion: dut_fixpt_log.txt
### Generating Mex file for ' dut_wrapper_fixpt '
Code generation successful: View report
Warning: Function 'linspace' not supported for fixed-point conversion.
Warning: The expression 'tmp = linspace(a,b);' was not executed during simulation. Consider using
a more thorough testbench.
Warning: The expression 'out = a + tmp(50);' was not executed during simulation. Consider using a
more thorough testbench.
Found some unsupported constructs during float to fixed point conversion. Please see the above error messages for details.
### Generating Type Proposal Report for 'dut' dut_report.html
### Begin VHDL Code Generation
### Generating HDL Conformance Report dut_fixpt_hdl_conformance_report.html.
### HDL Conformance check complete with 0 errors, 0 warnings, and 0 messages.
### Working on dut_fixpt as dut_fixpt.vhd.
### Generating Resource Utilization Report resource_report.html.
  1 Commento
Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund il 2 Apr 2020
The real problem arose because the GUI of the fixed point converter was still complaining about functions being in the non-executed path:
it states
Replacement is required to use fixed-point.
So I thought I could not continue until these functions would have all been replaced, even if they are in unexecuted or constant paths.
I think this could need a fix. The "Function Replacements" tab should just list functions, which actually need to be replaced, not the ones in constant and unexecuted paths.

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Più risposte (1)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali il 19 Mar 2020
please share dut.m and dut_tb.m with the sample code and data types. if you have project or input types to compile the code it would be benificial to debug the fixed-point issue. Thanks
  2 Commenti
Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund il 19 Mar 2020
Here you go:
param.hdl = true;
dut(1, 100, param);
First option
function [out] = dut(a, b, param)
if param.hdl
out = a + b;
tmp = linspace(a,b);
out = a + tmp(50);
Second option
function [out] = dut(a, b, param)
%using a System object here for its nontunable properties
persistent system;
if isempty(system)
system = dutSystem(b, param);
out = system.step(a);
classdef dutSystem < matlab.System
properties (Nontunable)
methods (Access = public)
function obj = dutSystem(b, param)
obj.b = b;
obj.param = param;
methods (Access = protected)
function out = stepImpl(obj, a)
if obj.param.hdl
out = a + obj.b;
tmp = linspace(a,obj.b);
out = a + tmp(50);
Jan Siegmund
Jan Siegmund il 19 Mar 2020
As already said, in the first option i have to define linspace in fixed-point converter, even though param is constant and linspace will never be in th executed code path.
The second option already fails at the coder stage with
Property 'param' of class 'dutSystem' is a structure type. Classes with structure properties are not supported.

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