How can I make an image comparison slider in Matlab?
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Muhammad Abir
il 9 Apr 2020
Modificato: Ameer Hamza
il 10 Apr 2020
I'd like to create an image comparison slider in Martlab similar to this ( however I have no idea how can I implement that. The slider show display two images interactively by sliding the slider over the image. I'd greatly appreaciate if somone can help me with this. Thanks in advance.
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Ameer Hamza
il 9 Apr 2020
I patched together this example using a figure callback function. You can try it and modify according to your requirement
im_left = im2double(imread('pears.png')); % opening two example images
im_right = im2double(imread('peacock.jpg'));
im_right = imresize(im_right, size(im_left, [1 2])); % making the dimensions equal
f = figure();
ax = axes('Units', 'pixels');
im_handle = imshow(im_right);
im_handle.AlphaData = zeros(size(im_left, [1 2]));
axes_pos = cumsum(ax.Position([1 3]));
f.WindowButtonMotionFcn = {@cb, size(im_left,2), im_handle, axes_pos};
function cb(obj, ~, im_width, im_handle, axes_pos)
x_pos = obj.CurrentPoint(1);
if x_pos > axes_pos(1) && x_pos < axes_pos(2)
left_cols = floor(floor(x_pos - axes_pos(1))/diff(axes_pos) * im_width);
im_handle.AlphaData(:, 1:left_cols) = 0;
im_handle.AlphaData(:, left_cols+1:end) = 1;
Più risposte (1)
Muhammad Abir
il 10 Apr 2020
1 Commento
Ameer Hamza
il 10 Apr 2020
Modificato: Ameer Hamza
il 10 Apr 2020
MATLAB does not natively support the callback for dragging mouse action. Following code shows a workaround. Adapt it according to your requirement.
im_left = im2double(imread('pears.png')); % opening two example images
im_right = im2double(imread('peacock.jpg'));
im_right = imresize(im_right, size(im_left, [1 2])); % making the dimensions equal
global isBtnPressed
isBtnPressed = false;
cir_radius = 50;
cir_angles = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
[cir_x, cir_y] = pol2cart(cir_angles, cir_radius);
cir_y = cir_y + size(im_left,1)/2;
f = figure();
ax = axes('Units', 'pixels');
im_handle = imshow(im_right);
im_handle.AlphaData = zeros(size(im_left, [1 2]));
patch_handle = patch(cir_x, cir_y, 'r', ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', ...
'FaceAlpha', 0.3);
axes_pos = cumsum(ax.Position([1 3]));
f.WindowButtonMotionFcn = {@cb_motion, size(im_left,2), im_handle, cir_x, patch_handle, axes_pos};
f.WindowButtonDownFcn = @cb_btnPressed;
f.WindowButtonUpFcn = @cb_btnReleased;
function cb_motion(obj, ~, im_width, im_handle, cir_x, patch_handle, axes_pos)
global isBtnPressed
if isBtnPressed
x_pos = obj.CurrentPoint(1);
if x_pos > axes_pos(1) && x_pos < axes_pos(2)
left_cols = floor(floor(x_pos - axes_pos(1))/diff(axes_pos) * im_width);
im_handle.AlphaData(:, 1:left_cols) = 0;
im_handle.AlphaData(:, left_cols+1:end) = 1;
patch_handle.Vertices(:,1) = cir_x' + left_cols;
function cb_btnPressed(~,~)
global isBtnPressed
isBtnPressed = true;
function cb_btnReleased(~,~)
global isBtnPressed
isBtnPressed = false;
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