Remove Internal Faces from Geometry

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Paul Safier
Paul Safier il 19 Apr 2020
Commentato: darova il 20 Apr 2020
Is it possible to remove the internal faces of this geometry:
pdem = createpde;
g = multicuboid(40,40,0.1*ones(10,1),'Zoffset',[0:0.1:0.9]);
pdem.Geometry = g;
generateMesh(pdem, 'Hmax',4,'Hmin',4);
  3 Commenti
Paul Safier
Paul Safier il 19 Apr 2020
Well, I hope this works. Thanks.
darova il 20 Apr 2020
Can you attach different format. I have older MATLAB, can't read

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