How to repeat something for multiple range of intervals?

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
How do I do this without repeating it multiple times?
for i = 1:359
do something
for i = 1+(1440*1):359+(1440*1)
do something
for i =1+(1440*2):359+(1440*2)
do something
for i =1+(1440*27):359+(1440*27)
do something
  4 Commenti
Tommy il 20 Apr 2020
Modificato: Tommy il 20 Apr 2020
Possibly this?
idx = [1:359 1+(1440*1):359+(1440*1) 1+(1440*2):359+(1440*2) 1+(1440*27):359+(1440*27)];
for i = idx
%do something
(edit) Ah I completely missed the dots...
Thanathip Boonmee
Thanathip Boonmee il 20 Apr 2020
Thank sir! But I will use Ameer Hamza's answer so I dont have to copy-paste 27 times! Appreciate it anyway!

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Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza il 20 Apr 2020
Modificato: Ameer Hamza il 20 Apr 2020
Extending the method suggested by Tommy, instead of writing each set manually, you can use this
idx = (1:359).' + (0:1440:1440*27);
idx = idx(:);
for i = idx
% do something
For versions older then R2016b
idx = bsxfun(@plus, (1:359).', (0:1440:1440*2));
idx = idx(:);

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