normalize a histogram in matlab 2013b

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
hello all ,
i need the same that is my y axis should be in probability and my x-axis should remain same (not the number of bins).
since their is no direct normalization function in 2013b version i am using
h = hist(z);
h =h/sum(h);
using bar(h) i get my y axis in probabilities,but my x-axis limits to number of bins. i need the x-asix range same as the one i get when i do hist(z).
in advance ,thanks for the help

Risposta accettata

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 12 Giu 2020
[h, x_centers] = hist(z);
h = h/sum(h);
bar(x_centers, h);

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