heat map making a colour dissapear

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Selma Nur Keskin
Selma Nur Keskin il 24 Lug 2020
Commentato: Image Analyst il 24 Lug 2020
I have a heatmap showing cross correlations which is most of the time zero. I wanna make that color(which is green and I am using jet) that shows zero dissapear so that I can see correlations more clearly. How can I do this?
  3 Commenti
Selma Nur Keskin
Selma Nur Keskin il 24 Lug 2020
set(gca,'FontSize',14, 'FontWeight', 'normal');
title(['Crosscorrelation with Tau=', num2str(tau)]);
axis square;
I used it like this, I don't know the things you mentioned :(
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 24 Lug 2020
Can you attach MSF_cross in a .mat file with the paper clip icon?
save('answers.mat', 'MSF_cross');

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