Help storing values for Ma and Cd so I can create a plot for them.

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
% initializing variables
h = 0.0001; %delta t [s]
k = 1.4; %specific heat ratio for air
R = 1716.5; %gas constant [(ft*lbf)/(slugs*R)]
g = 32.174; %acceleration due to gravity [ft/s^2]
W = 55; %weight [lbf]
m = W/g; %mass [slugs]
d = 3/12; %diameter [ft]
A = pi*1/4*d^2; %Area [ft^2]
N = 55000; % number of iterations
xf = 5280*7.1; % final distance [ft]
x = zeros(1,N); % distance [ft]
y = zeros(1,N); % height [ft]
Vx = zeros(1,N);
Vy = zeros(1,N);
V = zeros(1,N);
%Accelx = zeros(1,N);
%Accely = zeros(1,N);
mach = 7*1125; %conversion Ma units
theta(1) = 89.165031*(pi/180); % initial angle [rad] | can't assume it's constant, needed to find x_o, y_o, V_o
Vx(1) = mach*cos(theta(1)); % first step of velocity in x-dir [ft/s]
Vy(1) = mach*sin(theta(1)); % first step of velocity in y-dir {ft/s]
V(1) = sqrt((Vx(1))^2 + (Vy(1))^2);
x(1) = 0; % first step of position[ft]
y(1)= 0;
for n = 2:N
[T, p, rho] = atmos_funEE (y(n-1)); %calling function given to find rho, p, T at y
c = sqrt(k*R*T);
V = sqrt((Vx(n-1))^2 + (Vy(n-1))^2); %V = velocity [ft/s]
Ma = V/c; % Ma number
[Cd] = Ma_Cd_curvefit (Ma); %Curve fit of Ma vs. Cd
x(n) = x(n-1) + h*Vx(n-1);
Vx(n) = Vx(n-1) + h*(-1/2*1/m*rho*A*Cd*V*Vx(n-1));
y(n) = y(n-1) + h*Vy(n-1);
Vy(n) = Vy(n-1) + h*(-g-(0.5*(1/m)*rho*A*Cd*V*Vy(n-1)));
  1 Commento
Dennis Williams
Dennis Williams il 31 Lug 2020
Whenever I plot (x,Cd) and (x,Ma), I get a blank screen without a line as I was expecting as if only a point is being plotted and and not all the points from all the iterations

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Risposte (1)

Sudheer Bhimireddy
Sudheer Bhimireddy il 5 Ago 2020
The problem is inside the for loop.
Change this
V = sqrt((Vx(n-1))^2 + (Vy(n-1))^2); %V = velocity [ft/s]
Ma = V/c; % Ma number
V(n) = sqrt((Vx(n-1))^2 + (Vy(n-1))^2); %V = velocity [ft/s]
Ma(n) = V(n)/c; % Ma number
and try again to plot. Similarly check the size and values of Cd. Also when you have two plots and if you want both of them to be on the same plot. use 'hold on', otherwise the latest plot() will overwrite the previous one.
hold on;

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