How to repeat the same graph?
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Donghun Lee
il 5 Ago 2020
Commentato: Star Strider
il 6 Ago 2020
clc, clear all
%% Road profile
% spatial frequency (n0) cycles per meter
Omega0 = 0.1; %%%%conventional value of spatial frequency(n0)?
% psd ISO (used for formula 8)
Gd_0 = 32 * (10^-6);
% waveviness
w = 2;
% road length
L = 250;
%delta n
N = 100;
Omega_L = 0.004;
Omega_U = 4;
delta_n = 1/L; % delta_n = (Omega_U - Omega_L)/(N-1);
% spatial frequency band
Omega = Omega_L:delta_n:Omega_U;
%PSD of road
Gd = Gd_0.*(Omega./Omega0).^(-w);
% calculate amplitude using formula(8) in the article
%Amp = sqrt(2*Gd*delta_n); %%%from Eq. 7?
%calculate amplitude using simplified formula(9) in the article
k = 3; %%%upper limit A and lower limit B k=3?
%Amp = sqrt(delta_n) * (2^k) * (10^-3) * (Omega0./Omega);
Amp = sqrt(delta_n) * (2^k) * (10^-3) * (Omega0./Omega);
%random phases
Psi = 2*pi*rand(size(Omega));
% x abicsa from 0 to L
x1 = 0:250/(N-1):250;
h= zeros(size(x1));
%artificial random road profile
for iv=1:length(x1)
h(iv) = sum( Amp.*cos(2*pi*Omega*x1(iv) + Psi) );
hx = [x1' h'];
%% ode45
y0 = [0,0];
[t, y] = ode45(@f,x1,y0,[],hx);
%% plot
xlabel('time'),ylabel('vertical displacement')
function dydt = f(t,y,hx)
k_s = 26400; %spring stiffness
m = 483; %Mass
v = 50/9; % speed along road
x = v*t;
hs = hfn(x,hx);
dydt =[y(2);
-( k_s*(y(1)-hs)/ m )];
function hs = hfn(x, hx)
hs = interp1(hx(:,1),hx(:,2),x);
Hi, I wish to repeat the same graph like several times in one graph. Here's the example below,

Thanks for reading
2 Commenti
il 5 Ago 2020
If you use 'hold on', you should then be able to plot on the same figure, then simply use the 'hold off' function when you're done plotting on the same graph.
For example:
%% plot
hold on
plot(A,a(:,1)); % another plot you want to assign to the same figure
plot(B,b(:,1)); % another plot you want to assign to the same figure
%............. etc
plot(X,x(:,1)); % another plot you want to assign to the same figure
hold off
% Anything you 'plot' here (after writing 'hold off') won't be plotted on the same figure
Please let me know if this doesn't make sense and I'll try to ellaborate/ show you some examples
Risposta accettata
Star Strider
il 5 Ago 2020
Try this:
t = 0:40;
y = exp(-0.385*t) + 10;
y6 = repmat(y, 1, 6);
t6 = 0:numel(y6)-1;
plot(t6, y6)

2 Commenti
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