
Star Strider

Last seen: Today Attivo dal 2012

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Hic sunt dracones! PROFESSIONAL: Physician (M.D.): Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine; M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering: Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Control, System Identification, Parameter Estimation NON-PROFESSIONAL: Amateur Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator; Private Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land, Instrument Rating Airplane; Gamer NOTE: I do not respond to emails or personal messages, unless they are about my File Exchange contributions. Time Zone: UTC-7 (Standard); UTC-6 (Daylight Savings/Summer)


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how to flip axes of isosurface plot?
Missing files, so I cannot run this. One optiion would be to permute the order of the first three arguments to isosurface. ...

circa 7 ore fa | 0

How can I smoothen my plots by removing sharp edges/points in the plots?
One option is to use vectors with increased resolutiuon (numbers of points), and then interpolate as necessary — A=load('data...

circa 12 ore fa | 0

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fitting with custom equation
This is probably as good as you can hope for — % I/y = x/a + (1-x)/b y = [1.6E5 2.5E5 4.1E5 8E5 1E6 2E6 7E6 2E7]; x = [17...

circa 17 ore fa | 0

Matlab forgets new paths I add
@Paris — You probably need to create (or change) your startup fiie. I have one (startup.m) I have been using for decades, altho...

circa 17 ore fa | 0

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Sub-sampling with mean value of a datasets including time
I am not certain how the means whould be calculated. If you want to calculatee the means of every six rows, that is relatively...

1 giorno fa | 1

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Trying to Differentiate Parametric Equation, Error "Error using diff Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar."
Your diff call is not going to produce the result you want. % Define symbolic variables syms R Z e v real % Define parame...

1 giorno fa | 0

cannot install MATLAB R2024b in Ubuntu 24.04.1
Your best option is to Contact Support for installation problems. Please post back here with MathWorks recommendations and yo...

2 giorni fa | 0

Finding concave hull around abstract shape
I am not certain what you want. The information creates a 2D polyshape. The boundary function is likely most appropriate her...

2 giorni fa | 1

Readtable not configuring delimiters correctly
Try something like this — % type('experiments.csv') filename = 'experiments.csv'; Lines = readlines(filename); FindLine...

3 giorni fa | 0

imshow title is cut off
I cannott reproduce that behaviour, at least here. One possibility is that the problem does not exist in R2024b, and that upgr...

3 giorni fa | 0

add arrow above textbox
I wrote some simple functions to transform (x,y) coordinates to normalised values to use with annotation functions. I added t...

3 giorni fa | 0

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Can MatLab provide a variable in an answer?
If you have the Symbolic Math Toolbox, that may well be possible. Without knowing more, I doubt that would otherwise be possi...

3 giorni fa | 0

How to calculate Average without receiving 'Inf' as a result.
Uz = unzip('Matlab') T1 = readtable(Uz{1}, 'VariableNamingRule','preserve') NonZeros = nnz(T1{:,1}) NrInf = nnz(...

4 giorni fa | 0

how to get the envelope of oscillating signal
Perhaps this — LD = load('data.mat') t = LD.t; il5 = LD.il5; Data = rmmissing([t il5]); t = Data(:,1); il5 = Data(:,2); ...

4 giorni fa | 0

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plotting multiple distributions on one graph
I am not certain what your data are, so I will create some. A = randn(20, 1000); A = (A - min(A,[],2)) + 1; A = A .* 15./...

4 giorni fa | 0

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trying to make sure my data has been imported correctly as a 4D matrix
Using readtable, your data imports as a (104x290) table. (There aree no variable names.) The matrix loads as a 4-dimensional...

5 giorni fa | 0

How to find the mean of a matrice based on a value in another matrice
This returns all of the monthly means for all the months — LD = load('data_x.mat') T1 = table(LD.month,, 'VariableNames...

5 giorni fa | 0

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plot bar graph based on element type in matrix
Do you want all of them, or just the last row (t=10)? This does both — A = randi(3, 20, 100) TallyAll = accumarray(A(:),...

5 giorni fa | 0

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Find the indices of numbers that occur first
That is not an appropriate find call. The syntax is incorrect. X = randperm(9) % Unique Rand...

5 giorni fa | 0

How to fill in missing data?
If you have R2016b, use the fillmissing function (introduced in R2016b) — T1 = array2table(randi([0 9],10,5)) ...

6 giorni fa | 0

shifting a column in Matlab of CSV
The ‘Var1’ (first column) values are not exactly -1 and +1 so you have a choice to make. Either keep them as such (so after add...

6 giorni fa | 0

set the tick format of y axis
In the Numeric Ruler Properties documentation, see the section on Exponent. x = linspace(0, 1); y1 = sin(2*pi*x); y2 = cos...

6 giorni fa | 0

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Non-integer value in for-loop
One approach — iv = 0:.1:1; for i = 1:numel(iv) H(i)=10*iv(i) ; end H .

7 giorni fa | 1

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Is there a way to determine an equivalent circuit for Nyquist diagrams (I have the data set) using Matlab (or Simulink)?
I am not certain what you want witth respect to an equivalent circuit. I believe you intend circuit synthesis or circuit realis...

8 giorni fa | 2

Caucer fraction expansion fraction expansion for filter synthesis
The Cauer decomposition is useful. Your post is only the second time I’ve encountered a question about it here. The residue fu...

10 giorni fa | 0

Bandpass filter Transient Response. How to get rid of it?
Without your sampling frequeency, it is impossible to desingn the filtere and therefore difficult to figure out what the problem...

11 giorni fa | 0

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Help with time variation graphs versus time
T1 = array2table(["2010/01/01" "00:00" 0.109864 2.04021 "2010/01/01" "00:00" 0.122071 2.8937 "2010/01/01" "00:00" 0.134278 2...

11 giorni fa | 0

auto completion does not work
Tthere are two options that I can offer — The first is to re-start MATLAB and see if that fixes it. If it does not, the sec...

11 giorni fa | 0

Optimisation of three function in two variables
To begin with, you need to parameterise the functions so that ‘x’ and ‘y’ are two elements in the same vector. Your functions...

12 giorni fa | 1

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having the same problem about the arrays
My guess is that you actually want to calculate this: daily_savings(i + 1) = O_Consumption(i + 1).*Cost(i+1); Multiplying by ...

12 giorni fa | 0

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