How to create a loop on matrix
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Vincent Ogonda
il 13 Ago 2020
Commentato: hosein Javan
il 13 Ago 2020
Assuming you have a 4x10 matrix. How do you create a loop from the 2nd column of the matrix to the 10th column.
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hosein Javan
il 13 Ago 2020
Modificato: hosein Javan
il 13 Ago 2020
for example suppose we want to multiply each column by its coulmn number:
A =[
92 99 1 8 15 67 74 51 58 40
98 80 7 14 16 73 55 57 64 41
4 81 88 20 22 54 56 63 70 47
85 87 19 21 3 60 62 69 71 28
for it=2:10
A(:,it) = A(:,it)*it;
A =
92 198 3 32 75 402 518 408 522 400
98 160 21 56 80 438 385 456 576 410
4 162 264 80 110 324 392 504 630 470
85 174 57 84 15 360 434 552 639 280
2 Commenti
hosein Javan
il 13 Ago 2020
if I understant correctly.
C=1; B=2;
X = [380 250 220 200]
Y = C*X+B
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