How do I export image features matrix data to Excel for multiple images in the same folder?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have 100 image files which I need to process (Images are in the same folder). The idea is to take one image, perform pre-processing (noise removal, binarization etc.) followed by features extraction.I've used Wavelets (db1) to extract approximation & directional coefficients (horizontal, vertical and diagonal)-4 features per image.I need to store this features matrix in Excel format.How do I automate the process for 100 image files, so that I get an Excel sheet containing 100x4 entries?
if true
% clc;
%Code begins from here
clear all;
close all;
%Load current directory
myFolder = 'E:\BE Project\Devnagiri Character Recognition\test_images\trial';
if ~isdir(myFolder)
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: The following folder does not exist:\n%s', myFolder);
filePattern = fullfile(myFolder, '*.jpg');
jpegFiles = dir(filePattern);
for k = 1:length(jpegFiles)
baseFileName = jpegFiles(k).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(myFolder, baseFileName);
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName);
imageArray = imread(fullFileName);
%imshow(imageArray); % Display image.
%drawnow; % Force display to update immediately.
%Scale to 512x512 since images are of higher resolution
a=imresize(a, [512 512]);
%RGB to gray
if size(a,3)==3
title('Original Image')
%Noise removal by median filter
title('Noise removal by median filter')
%Determine threshold by Otsu's method
title('Binarized Image (Otsu Method)')
%Resize image for Wavelet Transformation
g=imresize(g, [128 128]);
title('Resized Image')
%Find wavelet coefficients using 2D Wavelet Transform
disp('---WAVELET FEATURES---');
%Calculate max value for approximation coefficient
disp('Approximation Coefficient (Max Value) :');
%Calculate max value for horizontal coefficient
disp('Horizontal Coefficient (Max Value) :');
%Calculate max value for vertical coefficient
disp('Vertical Coefficient (Max Value) :');
%Calculate max value for diagonal coefficient
disp('Diagonal Coefficient (Max Value) :');
%Obtain features in a matrix form
%Export features matrix to Excel sheet

Risposta accettata

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 5 Gen 2013
Something like this:
numberOfResults = 42; % Whatever it is for a single image
numberOfImages = length(filenames); % Whatever...
allResults = zeros(numberOfImages, numberOfResults);
for k = 1 : numberOfImages
% Read in image into variable called thisImage.
% Analyze the image with function AnalyzeSingleImage and get results.
thisImagesResults = AnalyzeSingleImage(thisImage);
% Store results in allResults:
allResults(k, :) = thisImagesResults;
xlswrite(excelFullFileName, allResults);
  9 Commenti
Devashish Tiwari
Devashish Tiwari il 22 Lug 2022
Yeah Exactly sir, I have multiple images to do so. But, I actually wanted to know, from those multiple images, how do I call them, and how to save the tracked particles in each image. Also, How to save the excel sheets of each image?
But, to solve this problem, I needed the work of each image and then the for loop, so I started doing so.

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Più risposte (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 5 Gen 2013
  3 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 5 Gen 2013
Save the entries into a single common array. xlswrite() the array only after all 100 are done.
Ragavi Thiyagarajan
Ragavi Thiyagarajan il 27 Feb 2020
i am also have a same problem with exporting extracted features from matlab to excel.. can explain me to .how to save the entries in a single array?

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Braiki Marwa
Braiki Marwa il 9 Gen 2018
Modificato: Image Analyst il 9 Gen 2018
i trained two-class-classification (svmtrain) with 15 features for 18 images and i have different number of objects in a single image. I want to save single .mat file of features of these images?my problem is when i run this code i have just the variables of last image!!This is my code :
NbIm = size(names1,1);
n1 = 1;
n2 = NbIm;
for n=n1:n2
%1- Read the original image
%2- Processing : Segmentation
%3- characterization :
[B3,L3,N3] = bwboundaries(ICellules); (see picture)
CC = bwconncomp(L3);
BW=bwlabel(L3); stats1=regionprops(CC,'Area','Centroid','Eccentricity','Perimeter','ConvexArea','ConvexHull','ConvexImage','MajorAxisLength','MinorAxisLength','Orientation','Solidity','BoundingBox');
for k=1:length(B3),
glcm = graycomatrix(V,'Offset',[2 0],'Symmetric', true);
stats= graycoprops(glcm);
Contrast_Cellule =stats.Contrast;
Correlation_Cellule =stats.Correlation;
Energy_Cellule =stats.Energy;
Homogeneity_Cellule =stats.Homogeneity;
Area_cellule = stats1(k).Area;
Perimeter_cellule = stats1(k).Perimeter;
Circularity_cellule= (4*pi*Area_cellule)/Perimeter_cellule^2;
Centroid_cellule = stats1(k).Centroid;
MajorAxis_cellule=stats1(k). MajorAxisLength;
MinorAxis_cellule=stats1(k). MinorAxisLength;
Orientation_cellule =stats1(k).Orientation;
boundary3 = B3{k};
[cc] = chaincode(boundary3);
ai = ai.';
output = calc_harmonic_coefficients(ai,30);
Feat(k,:)=[Area_cellule,Perimeter_cellule,Circularity_cellule,Compactness_cellule, Solidity_cellule,Eccentricity_cellule,MajorAxis_cellule,MinorAxis_cellule, Centroid_cellule,Ampl,Contrast_Cellule,Correlation_Cellule,Energy_Cellule,Homogeneity_Cellule];
  3 Commenti
Braiki Marwa
Braiki Marwa il 10 Gen 2018
Hi, thanks for your response...can you please explain more because i don't understand
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 10 Gen 2018
Actually I thought B3 was an image, but it's not, so your for loop line should also work as it.
For the line
Area_cellule = stats1(k).Area;
you're just taking the k'th area variable and assigning it to Area_cellule. So for k=1 (first iteration) Area_cellule = the first area. For k=2, Area_cellule = the second area. For the last iteration Area_cellule = the last area. And when the loop finally exits, Area_cellule is just a single number equal to the last area, NOT an array of all areas like you said you wanted. To get an array, you either have to do
Area_cellule*k( = stats1(k).Area;
inside the loop, or better, don't assign Area_cellule at all inside the loop and have this outside the loop:
Area_cellule = [stats1.Area];
Same for all the other properties of stats1 you're trying to make into individual arrays, like Perimeter_cellule etc.

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anuar ibrahim
anuar ibrahim il 6 Apr 2019
numberOfResults = 42; % Whatever it is for a single image
numberOfImages = length(filenames); % Whatever...
allResults = zeros(numberOfImages, numberOfResults);
for k = 1 : numberOfImages
% Read in image into variable called thisImage.
% Analyze the image with function AnalyzeSingleImage and get results.
thisImagesResults = AnalyzeSingleImage(thisImage);
% Store results in allResults:
allResults(k, :) = thisImagesResults;
xlswrite(excelFullFileName, allResults);
can u show with the code please? i dont understand

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