Imprecise copying of axes

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Tobias Fink
Tobias Fink il 7 Set 2020
Hello everyone,
I created an GUI via Code which shows me different figures depending on the input.
Since you can't save uifigures I then create a normal figure which takes all the data from the uifigure axis and save that.
The problem now is that while it works perfectly fine on the axis with a big range for the caxes, it looses a lot of data when the caxis is in a range from 0 to 1.
As you can see in the pictures below, the top one being the original from the uifigure and the bottom one being the copied version, the left plot looks the same even when zoomed in, while the right one clearly doesn't.
This is the code I'm using to copy the grey (Right) plot with the uifig.Children(i,1) being the uiaxes I want to copy from and ax1 the axes I want to copy into
surface(ax1, uifig.Children(i,1).Children.XData, uifig.Children(i,1).Children.YData, uifig.Children(i,1).Children.ZData);
shading(ax1, 'interp');
xlabel(ax1, uifig.Children(i,1).XLabel.String);
ylabel(ax1, uifig.Children(i,1).YLabel.String);
colormap(ax1, gray);
colorbar(ax1, 'eastoutside');
axis(ax1, [XLim(1) XLim(2) YLim(1) YLim(2)]);
caxis(ax1, [dBLim(1) dBLim(2)]);
set(ax1, 'FontName', 'Arial','FontSize',14);
Does anybody know why the grey plot get so imprecise?
The only difference in code to the coloured one is the "colormap" command.
Best regards

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