Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Remove line from text file if in the first column there is a certain character

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have a .txt file with many rows. Short example:
2 -0000,00 00000,00 $GN,
3 00005,00 00092,00 $GN,
4 00045,00 00042,00 $GN,
5 00005,00 00092,00 $GN,
6 00035,00 00047,00 $GN,
7 00005,00 00092,00 $GN,
8 00025,00 00051,99 $GN,
9 00005,00 00092,00 $GN,
10 00015,00 00056,99 $GN,
11 00005,00 00092,00 $GN,
12 00005,00 00062,01 $GN,
I wont to remove all lines which starting with "$" (in first column).
How can it be done?

Risposta accettata

Rik il 14 Set 2020
Split the lines to cells and use a loop (or cellfun) to remove all elements where strcmp(contents(1),'$') is true. Then you can print the cell array to your file with

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