Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
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It's occuring in the knnclassifier!!! Need help!
Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
function D = distfun(Train, Test, dist)
%DISTFUN Calculate distances from training points to test points.
[n,p] = size(Train);
D = zeros(n,size(Test,1));
numTest = size(Test,1);
switch dist
case 'sqeuclidean'
for i = 1:numTest
D(:,i) = sum((Train - Test(repmat(i,n,1),:)).^2, 2);
case 'cityblock'
for i = 1:numTest
D(:,i) = sum(abs(Train - Test(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2);
1 Commento
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Daniel Shub
il 24 Gen 2013
The maximum variable size depends on your OS and MATLAB version. Assuming a recent 64-bit OS and 64-bit MATLAB, the maximum variable size (~8 TB) is such that you probably don't have enough processing power to do anything with it effectively. For 32-bit systems and some older 64-bit systems you might actually have the processing power to use such a large matrix and could benefit from a OS/MATLAB upgrade.
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