Error with ’quad‘!!!Doubleintegral?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
wang il 31 Gen 2013
L = 3.128438e+003
B= 16685
X = 2.085625e+003
Y = 0
Z = 0
Quad_1 = @(Zeta,Xi) exp(-sqrt(Xi.^2 + Zeta.^2 + Z^2))./(-sqrt(Xi.^2 + Zeta.^2 + Z^2));
T_1 = quad(@(Zeta) Quad_1,Y-B,Y+B);
T_2 = @(Xi) exp(-Xi)*T_1;
T = quad(@(Xi) T_2(Xi), X-L, X+L);
Error using ==> quad at 80
The integrand function must return an output vector of the same length as the input vector
Error in ==> stationaer at 75
T_1 = quad(@(Zeta) Quad_1,Y-B,Y+B);
Can anyone help me to correct the errors? Thanks.

Risposte (2)

bym il 1 Feb 2013
how about this
L = 3.128438e+003;
B= 16685;
X = 2.085625e+003;
Y = 0;
Z = 0;
Quad_1 = @(Zeta,Xi) exp(-sqrt(Xi.^2 + Zeta.^2 + Z^2))./(-sqrt(Xi.^2 + Zeta.^2 + Z^2));
%T_1 = quad(@(Zeta) Quad_1,Y-B,Y+B);
%T_2 = @(Xi) exp(-Xi)*T_1;
%T = quad(@(Xi) T_2(Xi), X-L, X+L);
T = dblquad(Quad_1,Y-B,Y+B,X-L,X+L);
  1 Commento
wang il 1 Feb 2013
thanks for your answer. but the equa, that i want to have is like:
integral[_ exp(-Xi)*_integral{ exp(-sqrt(Xi^2 + Zeta^2 + Z^2))/(-sqrt(Xi^2 + Zeta^2 + Z^2))} ]
there is an exp(-Xi) before the second integral.

Accedi per commentare.

wang il 1 Feb 2013
thanks for your answer. but the equa, that i want to have is like:
integral[_ exp(-Xi)*_integral{ exp(-sqrt(Xi^2 + Zeta^2 + Z^2))/(-sqrt(Xi^2 + Zeta^2 + Z^2))} ]
there is an exp(-Xi) before the second integral.


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