Fsolve cannot continue error

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Maria Galle
Maria Galle il 16 Ott 2020
Modificato: Matt J il 16 Ott 2020
I keep getting the error
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue.
clear vars
global g m S Iyy l alpha_t zt CL0 CLa CLq cm0 Cmd cmq CD0 K1 K...
cmap Fmax V0 nv rho0 nr Ve Cma He
g = 9.80665;
m = 120000;
S =260;
Iyy = 9.72e6;
l = 6.608;
alpha_t = -2*pi/180;
zt = 0.5;
CL0 = 0; CLa = .453;
CLq = -.7;cm0 = -.025;Cmd = -1.46;
cmq = -15; CD0=0.0175;
K1 = 0; K=0.5; cmap=-3;
Fmax- 240000; V0 =1; nv=0;
Xcg = -0.025; %use different value
n= 20 %may want to use bigger number for report
%res_alfae=zeros(n.n); res
res_alpha_e = zeros(n,n);
res_delta_e = zeros(n,n);
res_throttle_e = zeros(n,n);
for He = linspace(7000,12000,n)
i1 = 1;
for Ve = linspace(222,278,n)
Cma = CLa*Xcg;
Xeq0 = [0 0 .5];
Xeq = fsolve(@equil,Xeq0,optimset('Algorithm','Levenberg-Marquardt','Display','off','MaxIter',100000,'MaxFunEvals',1000000));
res_alpha_e(i,i1) = Xeq(1);
res_delta_e(i,i1) = Xeq(2);
res_throttle_e(i,i1) = Xeq(3);
i1 = i1 + 1;
i = i+1;
figure(1); contourf(linspace(222,278,n),linspace(7000,12000,n)/1000,res_alpha_e*180/pi);
figure(2); contourf(linspace(222,278,n),linspace(7000,12000,n)/1000,res_delta_e*180/pi);
figure(3); contourf(linspace(222,278,n),linspace(7000,12000,n)/1000,res_throttle_e);
He = 10000;
%Calculating the equilibrium condition
Xeq0=[0 0 .5];
alphe_e = Xeq(1); delta_e = Xeq(2); throttle_e = Xeq(3);
disp('Equilibrium Condition: alpha_e, delta_e, and throttle_e');
disp([[alpha_e delta_e]*180/pi throttle_e])
x0=[Ve 0 0 ]
[t,x]=ode45('dynamic_2D',[0 tf],x0)
V = x(:,1);
gamma = x(:,2);
alpha = x(:,3);
q = x(:,4);
H = x(:,5);
ground = V.*cos(gamma);

Risposte (1)

Matt J
Matt J il 16 Ott 2020
Modificato: Matt J il 16 Ott 2020
The error message is complaining about your objective function, not about FSOLVE. Make sure your objective function equil() is working.


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