how to make a Joint PDF?

32 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Mukhtar Daud
Mukhtar Daud il 5 Nov 2020
Commentato: Peter Perkins il 19 Nov 2020
%reading the Excel file and storing in variable k.
[~,~,k] = xlsread('Copy_of_SPX_data.xlsx');
%reading the .txt file and storing it in variable A.
A = importdata('Sunspot_data.txt');
DateString = k(2:5410,1);
formatIn = 'mm/dd/yyyy';
x = log(datenum(DateString,formatIn));
y = log(cell2mat(k(2:5410,2)));
[f,x1] = hist(y,50);
title('StockMarket pdf')
xlabel('Daily stock value')
grid on
title('Sunspot pdf')
ylabel('Sunspot porbaility')
xlabel('Sunspot daily value')
grid on
title('Sunspot and StockMarket joint pdf')
xlabel('Sunspot daily probaility')
***Here is my code, I'm trying to add the first pdf to the second one and create a joint pdf, the pdf is wokring but looks very bad and wrong, im not an expered coder so i don't know what to do?
  1 Commento
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins il 19 Nov 2020
Orthogonal to the actual question, importdata is probably not the thing to use. I suggest looking at readtable or readtimetable. I suspect that importdata is the reason why you had to use cell2mat. You shouldn't need to. In addition, this
x = log(datenum(DateString,formatIn));
seems odd. Using readtable would avoid datenums, which you want to avoid, but also you are taking the logs of numbers with a c ompletely arbitrary origin. Not sure why you'd need to use a log scale for a time axis.

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Reshma Nerella
Reshma Nerella il 10 Nov 2020
Modificato: Reshma Nerella il 10 Nov 2020
I did not get the term joint pdf.
In case joint pdf means getting all pdfs on the same figure, you can try this out.
[f,x1] = hist(y,50);
title('StockMarket pdf')
xlabel('Daily stock value')
grid on
hold on %to add new plot to same axes i.e second and third pdf
title('Sunspot pdf')
ylabel('Sunspot porbaility')
xlabel('Sunspot daily value')
grid on
title('Sunspot and StockMarket joint pdf')
xlabel('Sunspot daily probaility')
hold off %to prevent other plots from using the same axes
You can also add legend to the plots to differentiate each other


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