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I have syntax errors when compiling my C codes using S-Function Builder

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I've tried to convert my C codes to realize them in Simulink using S-Function Builder.
However, when compiling them, I have the following syntax errors:
Error ENG_wrapper.c: 566 syntax error; found '{' expecting ';'
Error ENG_wrapper.c: 566 skipping '{'
Error ENG_wrapper.c: 764 syntax error: found 'end of input' expecting '}'
Error ENG_wrapper.c: 764 syntax error: found 'end of input' expecting '}'
The corresponding c codes are:
#564: void ENG_Logic(void)
#566: {
#567: ENG_SUB_D_IN();
#764: ENG_SUB_FLAG_SEQ_CHK(); // Some other function is called.
It seems that there are no errors in the code.
I would be greatly appreciated if anyone helps me find what the problem is.

Risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 15 Apr 2013
Where is the final closing brace, like it is asking you about? Shouldn't line 765 be a "}"????
  2 Commenti
Hancheol il 15 Apr 2013
Line #765 is in the middle of the function 'ENG_Logic.'
Its final closing brace is located at line #1991...
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 15 Apr 2013
Put the cursor on the brace (or if, while, end statements). It will momentarily put a cursor on the line that has the matching brace. I think somewhere your braces or parentheses or end's don't match up.

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