Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Load a file from a different folder

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jasper Mark
Jasper Mark il 25 Gen 2021
Commentato: Titus Edelhofer il 26 Gen 2021
I am having difficulty loading a file from a different folder. The data is currently stored in a network server. I currently have a workaround by bringing the file of interest ot my matlab specific folder and using this code.
cfg = [];
[FileName] = uipickfile('.mff');
cfg.dataset = FileName;
data = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
Is there anyway to load my file of interest without having to drag it to the matlab folder. I will be working with about 1250 files and would like to save the storage on my device?

Risposte (1)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer il 25 Gen 2021
Hi Jasper,
I don't know where uipickfile comes from. If you use uigetfile, you would have a second output argument you can use:
[filename,pathname] = uigetfile('*.mff');
cfg.dataset = fullfile(pathname,filename);
  2 Commenti
Jasper Mark
Jasper Mark il 25 Gen 2021
Thank you for the suggestion. I have used the uigetfile function in previous versions of the script and was left with the same problem. I tried that again...with no sucess :/. I imagine there may be a problem with how the secure network server is set up
Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer il 26 Gen 2021
Hi Jasper,
I'm not not sure where the problem is, reading the file or locating the file.
  • Did you try using the full path (with fullfile)?
  • Did you try simply putting the fully qualified file name (without interactive selection), something like
cfg.dataset = '\\mynetworkfolder\mymfffile.mff';
If yes to either of them, what's the error you see?

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