Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Modifying y axis division

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
JPS il 7 Feb 2021
Commentato: Adam Danz il 7 Feb 2021
I wrote some code and got the following graph.
My Problem is the y axis has only 4 points i.e [0 , 5 , 10 , 15] bu the x axis has 9 values [0 : 2 : 16]. Therefore, when I say grid on I am getting rectangular grids, which is kinda not good looking.
What should I do so that the y-axis will also have 9 values and the graph has some nice looking square grids?
Thank You!
  2 Commenti
JPS il 7 Feb 2021
Okay folks, I went through the documentation and got the answer.
You got to do
axis equal
Sorry for wasting your time.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 7 Feb 2021
That step is necessary but you may also have to explicitly set the yticks
ax = gca();
ax.YTick = ax.Xtick;

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