
Adam Danz


Last seen: Today Attivo dal 2014

Followers: 10   Following: 16


Software engineer at MathWorks with a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the University of Rochester (NY). Specialized in visual and vestibular systems, multisensory integration, sensory-motor and control systems, steering, and navigation. Former member of the MathWorks Community Advisory Board. *My community contributions before 14-Feb-2022 were prior to my employment at MathWorks.



  • MATLAB Flipbook Mini Hack Participant
  • MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 Participant
  • Editor's pick for Answers
  • Knowledgeable Level 5
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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
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  • Most Accepted 2021
  • MATLAB Mini Hack Participant
  • Revival Level 4
  • 36 Month Streak
  • Master

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Invalid Parameter Name: EdgeColor
Thanks for sharing this. This is a bug that was fixed in MATLAB R2024a Update 5, released on 12 July 2024. hist3(X,[250 250],...

2 giorni fa | 3

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How do you set the Layout Option at construction for ui objects?
See David's answer in the thread below for a one-liner solution:

28 giorni fa | 0

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Change the background colour gradient.
The axes color property can only be set to one solid color. A workaround is to plot a patch with interpolated colors and to s...

circa un mese fa | 1

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loop plot add text to only one specific plot year
I recommend using xregion (requires R2023a or later) or xline (requires R2018b or later). With xline you can also include a tex...

circa un mese fa | 0

How to remove decimal points in the Workspace
See format to set output display format. format shortg or if you always want 2 decimal places, format bank See full list o...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Simple turn on Lamp with switch in app designer
The problem is that the values the switch returns are On and Off with capital letters. Your string comparison is case sensitive...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Passing output from a ButtonDownFcn callback function
Callback functions do not have outputs or a clear workspace where the outputs would live. Instead, within a callback function y...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

X-Axis Boxplot Shift
This demo plots the boxchart first and then plots the jittered scatter next to the boxes. This differs from the original request...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Text inside the meshgrid
The problem: the initial image it not fully displayed in the figure Below is the section of code that creates the axes where th...

circa 2 mesi fa | 1

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Axis exponent missing when using exportgraphics to export figure in pdf vector format (or image)
This issue has been fixed in MATLAB R2024a Update 4. Get R2024a Update 4 ================================================= Th...

circa 2 mesi fa | 2

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How to save the figure generated by pcplayer
Get the figure handle from the player object produced by pcplayer. Use VideoWriter to create a VideoWriter object and use get...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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How to report/flag a user or a ThingSpeak channel?
For the second link, you can report the users using the "report" flag at the top of their profile. The first users doesn't have...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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Graphics fail when running live script after a long period of inactivity
Thanks for the information @Jorge. So that we can track this and investigate further, please contact tech support > Product Usa...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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plot a 2D circular intensity map
This demo assumes you have a vector of x-coordinates, a vector of y-coordinates, and a vector of intensity values. It uses grid...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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how to read a grey scale image in call back function and display it as matrix?
If you need to convert the image to grayscale use rgb2gray or im2gray (thanks DGM). I'm not sure what you mean to display an im...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Change map coordinates to Latex Interpreter
The map axes you see is a psuedo-axes created from a patch with labels to appear as an axes. The actual axes is not visible. S...

circa 2 mesi fa | 1

Matlab Gui: Dragging lines on plot using mouse
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can use multiple ROI lines that are draggable. By assigning a listener to the lin...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

How to customise Polar Plots - Part 2
Thanks for sharing this, @Sam Hurrell. Something's fishy. Here's a workaround. You can set the axes' TitleHorizontalAlignm...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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issues about app design
> the edit area of the code view seems frozened, it only force me to edit within the area which marked with white background T...

2 mesi fa | 0

AppDesigner UIFigure WindowScrollWheelFcn disables datatips
> when I add a WindowScrollWheelFcn callback to the parent uifigure, I am no longer able to see datatips when hovering over poin...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Boost Your App Design Efficiency – Effortless Component Swapping & Labeling in App Designer
Guest Writer: Dinesh Kavalakuntla Dinesh is a Software Engineer on the MATLAB App Designer team at MathWorks. He began his...

2 mesi fa


extracting values from an image with color legend
One way to see the color value is to add the color data to the data tip. When you click on or hover over one of the points, you...

2 mesi fa | 0

Counting number of elements less than value across 2d matrix
> I'd like to calculate the percent of values in part of the matrix -- i.e., from 401:440 and 1081:1360 -- where values are less...

2 mesi fa | 1

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Stl file pdegplot in App designer
> pdegplot command does that but how can I use it in App Designer? pdegplot does not have an input argument or property to spec...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Add individual legends to plots in a tiledlayout
Only one legend can be assigned to an axes. This poses a problem if each axes has a legend and you want to add a global legend ...

2 mesi fa | 1

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Refresh FFT plot when time signal is panned
linkaxes is often used to link axes limits between multiple axes but in this case, your axes have different units and different ...

2 mesi fa | 0

Which characters are replaced by matlab.lang.makeValidName?
matlab.lang.makeValidName uses isvarname to determine if the string is a valid variable name. The doc page for isvarname state...

2 mesi fa | 0

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shifting axis on both ends so graph does not have points on extreme end
In addition to axis padded which pads all axes limits, you could use ylim('padded') to only pad the y axis limits (same with xli...

2 mesi fa | 0

Is there a way to programmatically generate function signature jsons file?
> I was wondering if there was a way to generate signature jsons through MATLAB code No, MATLAB does not offer such a function....

2 mesi fa | 1

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