Unable to load DLL dependency: KERNEL32.d​ll.GetHand​leInformat​ion

12 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
When I deploy my model on my Target PC, I receive following error:
Unable to load DLL dependency: KERNEL32.dll.GetHandleInformation
Loading H:\private\CFDL.dlm failed with error 127
Error: Could not load model H:\private\CFDL:127
I have modified the SDK version with reference to similar problems in the forum:https://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/details/1890172
,but it has not solved my problem. I want to know what causes this problem and how can I solve it.
In addition, my model uses the. Lib library compiled from Fortran. Does this have any impact?
Thankyou very much
Visual Studio 2017 15.0; MATLAB R2018;
  1 Commento
Dimitri MANKOV
Dimitri MANKOV il 10 Mar 2021
Hi Jianshen,
Have you tried checking whether the SDK is still present in the list of installed programs on your host PC (Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features > Windows Software Development Kit)? Sometimes, Windows SDKs get installed with other programs, so they may remain installed on your system even if you modify the Visual Studio installation options.
Please note as well that the error message you see is different from the one indicated in the bug report you reference, so changing the SDK version is not guaranteed to solve the issue.

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Risposte (2)

Jiajun Ma
Jiajun Ma il 19 Mar 2021
  3 Commenti

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Jiajun Ma
Jiajun Ma il 6 Apr 2021
Hi guys.
I solved my issue, maybe that can help.
Previously, the .lib file handed to me by other team was compiled with an Error Setting in VS.
They select .dll instead of .lib before the compiling process.
But somehow the .lib was also generated, but it turns out to be useless.
After changing the settings in VS, this issue was solved.




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