How to multiply matrix with vector?

14 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Lu Da Silva
Lu Da Silva il 26 Mar 2021
Commentato: Lu Da Silva il 26 Mar 2021
I need to find E and K as 2 separate vectors.
A, B and D are matrices of their own (3x3). N and M are vectors (2x5).
Mathematically E = A*N + B*M and K = B*N + D*M but I struggle to implement it into MatLab, especially with the fact that it's an inverse matrix... I'd appreciate any help!
Thank you in advance :)

Risposte (1)

Jan il 26 Mar 2021
  • N and M are vectors (2x5)
  • A, B and D are matrices of their own (3x3)
Then the equation [E;K] = [A, B; B, D]^-1 * [N;M] is not mathematically defined. The inverse of a 6x6 matrix is 6x6. You cannot multiply this with a 4x5 matrix.
Actually Matlab was devolopped for exactly such Matrix equations. So using the \ operator will do everything you need already - if the problem has a solution. But this is not the case for your problem.


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