How i create a structure from an excell that i import into matlab ?

12 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have an excell table with dimencions (9x8). The table has text, number and time data. I want to import the table in matlab and then create a structure with 8 fields. Each field will have the values of each row, so the dimencions would be 9x1.
I tried to import the excell table as 8 column vectors. Then i tried create a stuctrure with 8 fields where each field would correspond to each vector. The following code describes what i have done already.
% initialize an empty list of incomplete paths H
% then fulfill each field with the right column of the excell table
(line8) H = struct ( field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8);
H.value1 = 'ORIGIN';
H.value2 = 'DESTINATION';
H.value7 = 'HRS';
H.value8 = 'KM';
My matlab file name is ''secondmatlab'' and the error message that appears when i try to run the code is the following:
Undefined function or variable 'field1'.
Error in secondmatlab (line 8)
H = struct ( field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8);
  1 Commento
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 9 Apr 2021
H = struct ( field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8);
For that to work, field1 would need to be a variable that held a character vector or string scalar that is a field name. Perhaps you want
H = struct ( 'field1', value1, 'field2', value2, 'field3', value3, 'field4', value4, 'field5', value5, 'field6', value6, 'field7', value7, 'field8', value8);

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Risposte (1)

Soumya Paliwal
Soumya Paliwal il 9 Apr 2021
When creating a struct like this:
s = struct(field1,value1)
the correct way to interpret it is like this:
s.field1 = value1
To add more fields, you should do the following:
s.field2 = value2
This will create a struct s with 2 fields, 'field1' and field2' with the values 'value1' and 'value2' respectively.
For your example, you can try doing the following:
% Read the excel file and store the data in a table
rawData = readtable('<excel_file_name>.xlsx');
% Do this for all the columns of the excel file
for i=1:width(rawData)
% myStruct.field<i> = rawData.<variableName>
myStruct.(['field' num2str(i)]) = rawData.(rawData.Properties.VariableNames{i});





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