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Matlab seems to be using an old version of the code

7 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
John Hey
John Hey il 12 Apr 2021
Commentato: John Hey il 12 Apr 2021
When running a Matlab script I got an error message about the rng function. I deleted that line in the code, but when I run it, it refers to that same error but the line number is non-existent in the new (revised, edited and saved) script. How can that be?
John Hey
  2 Commenti
Stephen23 il 12 Apr 2021
Where is the file saved? Is that location on the MATLAB Search Path?
Have you called WHICH to check which file is being called?
Does the file contain any calls to CD, PATH, etc.?
John Hey
John Hey il 12 Apr 2021
Thanks. I have now solved the problem. The error message was misleading.

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