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Azzera filtri

Delete rows with strings for a cell array

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Rooy il 26 Giu 2013
Commentato: Sonisa il 25 Feb 2016
I have a cell array that contains a few rows of strings and want to delete the whole row if they are all strings.
'Cause' 'CSSR (%)' 'MO Attempts' 'MT Attempts'
[1x20 char] [ 1] [ 1] [ 0]
I only want to delete the first row and not the second.
Thank you

Risposta accettata

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov il 26 Giu 2013
Modificato: Andrei Bobrov il 26 Giu 2013
A = {'Cause' 'CSSR (%)' 'MO Attempts' 'MT Attempts'
'fghytresdfhjjiiuyt' [ 1] [ 1] [ 0]};
out = A(any(~cellfun(@ischar,A),2),:);
out = A;
A(all(cellfun(@ischar,A),2),:) = [];
  4 Commenti
Rooy il 27 Giu 2013
I must have changed the code, anyway it works.
Thank you
Sonisa il 25 Feb 2016
I have this format
'Time' 'DOY' 'VWC05' 'VWC10' 'VWC20' 'VWC50' 'T05' 'T10' 'T20' 'T50' 'PAW40' 'PAW65' '#' '#' 'cm^3/cm^3' 'cm^3/cm^3' 'cm^3/cm^3' 'cm^3/cm^3' '°C' '°C' '°C' '°C' 'mm' 'mm'
Which I want to delete it. They are on every 600th row, sometimes in 590th row. How do I delete it so that I can get the value that i want?
Thank you in advance.

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