how to normalized a hsv histogram?

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
R il 10 Lug 2013
i want to normalize hsv histogram. i have three different of each h,s,and v. i want to normalize them so that i can compare it with h,s and v plot. for this firstly i have to normalize the histogram i tried in following way but it did not work..
rgb = imread('wheatimage.jpg');hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb);
h = hsv(:, :, 1);
v = hsv(:, :, 3);
numberOfBins = 50;
s = hsv(:, :, 2); % or whatever.
[countsH valuesH] = hist(h, numberOfBins);
figure; subplot(2, 2, 1);
bar(valuesH, countsH, 'BarWidth', 1);
title('Histogram of the H Channel', 'FontSize', 15);
[countsS, valuesS] = hist(s, numberOfBins);
subplot(2, 2, 2);
bar(valuesS, countsS, 'BarWidth', 1);
title('Histogram of the S Channel', 'FontSize', 15);
[countsV, valuesV] = hist(v, numberOfBins);
bar(valuesV, countsV, 'BarWidth', 1);
title('Histogram of the V Channel', 'FontSize', 15);%# create histogram from a normal distribution.
g=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*valuesH.^2);%# pdf of the normal distribution
% DIVIDE BY AREA figure(1)
bar(valuesH,countsH/trapz(valuesH,countsH));hold on
plot(valuesH,g,'r');hold off
  4 Commenti
R il 11 Lug 2013
is their any other way to normalize hsv histogram other than this.
Jan il 11 Lug 2013
What exactly should be "normal" after the normalization? All we see is the code, which does not do what you want. But this does not allow to identify, what you want.

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Risposte (1)

Jan il 11 Lug 2013
What exactly should be normalized? The area under each curve or all 3 curves?
Perhaps this helps: FEX: NormalizedHistogram
  9 Commenti
R il 11 Lug 2013
i want to compare to image on the base of hsv and compare their histogram on bases of chi-square dist method. so for that i want to normalize my hsv histograms..
R il 11 Lug 2013
comparsion is latter issue firstly graph need to be normalize.

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