Fortran to Matlab, B-Spline,

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
STamer il 11 Lug 2013
program bspline_fit
use toolbox
implicit none
integer :: ord,typ,ni,no
real :: t,dt
real, allocatable :: nvo(:),nvi(:),crd0(:,:),crd1(:,:)
integer :: i,j
! input data (the number of control points will be equal to the number of data points)
write (*,*) "Enter the number of data points"
read (*,*) ni
write (*,*) "Enter the order of the curve"
read (*,*) ord
no = ni+ord
write (*,*) "Enter the type of the knot vector"
write (*,*) "(1) periodic uniform (2) open uniform (3) nonuniform"
read (*,*) typ
allocate (crd0(ni,2),crd1(ni,2),nvi(ni),nvo(no))
call data_read(ni,crd0) ! input data
call data_vec(ni,crd0,nvi) ! parametric coordinates of the data points
call knot_vec(typ,ord,ni,no,nvo) ! knot vector
call control_vec(ord,ni,no,nvi,nvo,crd0,crd1) ! parametric coordinates of the control points
call curve(ord,ni,no,nvi,nvo,crd1) ! resulting curve
end program bspline_fit
module toolbox
subroutine data_read(n,crd)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: n
real,intent(out) :: crd(n,2)
integer :: i,j,k
open (1,file = 'in.dat')
do i=1,n ; read (1,*) k,(crd(i,j),j=1,2) ; end do
end subroutine data_read
subroutine data_vec(n,crd,nvi)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: n
real,intent(in) :: crd(n,2)
real,intent(out) :: nvi(n)
real :: dif(2),clen(n-1)
integer :: i
do i=1,n-1
dif = crd(i+1,:)-crd(i,:)
clen(i) = sqrt(dif(1)**2+dif(2)**2)
end do
nvi(1) = 0
do i=2,n
nvi(i) = nvi(i-1)+clen(i-1)
end do
nvi = nvi/sum(clen)
write (*,'(20(f5.2,2x))') (nvi(i),i=1,n) ; write (*,*)
end subroutine data_vec
subroutine knot_vec(typ,ord,ni,no,nvo)
integer,intent(in) :: typ,ord,ni,no
real,intent(out) :: nvo(no)
integer :: i
select case(typ)
do i=1,no
if (i <= ord) then
nvo(i) = 0
else if (i >= ni+1) then
nvo(i) = ni+1-ord
nvo(i) = i-ord
end if
end do
end select
nvo = nvo/nvo(no)
write (*,'(20(f5.2,2x))') (nvo(i),i=1,no)
end subroutine knot_vec
subroutine control_vec(ord,ni,no,nvi,nvo,crd0,crd1)
integer,intent(in) :: ord,ni,no
real,intent(in) :: nvi(ni),nvo(no),crd0(ni,2)
real,intent(out) :: crd1(ni,2)
real :: cmat(ni,ni)
integer :: i
open (3,file='tmp.dat')
do i=1,ni
call basis_fnc(ord,ni,no,nvo,nvi(i),cmat(i,:))
end do
do i=1,ni ; write (*,'(20(f6.3,2x))') (cmat(i,j),j=1,ni) ; end do ; write (3,*)
call mat_inv(ni,cmat) ; crd1 = matmul(cmat,crd0)
do i=1,ni ; write (3,'(i3,1x,3(f6.3,2x))') i,crd1(i,1),crd1(i,2) ; end do ; write (3,*)
end subroutine control_vec
subroutine basis_fnc(ord,ni,no,x,t,cv)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: ord,ni,no
real,intent(in) :: x(no),t
real,intent(out) :: cv(ni)
real :: bf(ord,no-1),r
integer :: i,j,k
bf = 0
k = no-1
do i=1,ord
if (i == 1) then
do j=1,k
if (t >= x(j) .and. t <= x(j+1)) then
bf(i,j) = 1
bf(i,j) = 0
end if
end do
k = k-1
do j=1,k
r = x(i+j-1)-x(j) ; if (r /= 0) bf(i,j) = (t-x(j))*bf(i-1,j)/r
r = x(i+j)-x(j+1) ; if (r /= 0) bf(i,j) = bf(i,j)+(x(i+j)-t)*bf(i-1,j+1)/r
end do
end if
write (3,'(20(f6.3,2x))') (bf(i,j),j=1,k)
end do
cv = bf(ord,1:ni)
end subroutine basis_fnc
subroutine curve(ord,ni,no,nvi,nvo,crd1)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: ord,ni,no
real,intent(in) :: nvi(ni),nvo(no),crd1(ni,2)
real :: cv(ni),crd(2),t
integer :: i,j,k
real,parameter :: dt = 1./20
open (2,file = 'out.dat')
t = 0 ; i = 1
call basis_fnc(ord,ni,no,nvo,t,cv)
do j=1,2 ; crd(j) = dot_product(cv,crd1(:,j)) ; end do
write (2,'(i3,2x,2(f5.2,2x))') i,(crd(j),j=1,2)
i = i+1 ; t = t+dt ; if (t > nvi(ni)) exit
end do
end subroutine curve
! matrix inverse
subroutine mat_inv(n,a)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: n
real,intent(inout) :: a(n,n)
integer :: i
real :: v1(n),v2(n)
call sgetrf(n,n,a,n,v1,i) ! lapack lu decomposition
call sgetri(n,a,n,v1,v2,n,i) ! lapack matrix inverse
end subroutine mat_inv
end module toolbox
Is there anyone can help me to transform this code to Matlab?

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