Here is my code:
b = .6;
width = 1*10^-6;
height = 1*10^-6;
numpart = 10;
% Generate X from the marginal f(x), Y from the conditional f(y|x), and Z from the conditional f(z|x & y)"
PDF = @(x,y,z) 1 - exp( -b*exp(-4*x.^2/width^2 -4*y.^2/width^2 -4*z.^2/height^2 ) ); % the distribution of points
% discretize the PDF
x = -1*width:width/2:1*width;
y = -1*width:width/2:1*width;
z = -1*height:height/2:1*height;
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(x,y,z);
PDFdiscrete = PDF(x,y,z);
norm = sum(PDFdiscrete(:)); % normalize so that the sums of the marginals are unity
PDFdiscrete = PDFdiscrete/norm; % the discrete PDF
% calculate the marginal of X
MargLength = size(PDFdiscrete,2);
PDFperm = ipermute(PDFdiscrete, [1 3 2]);
m = reshape(PDFperm, [], MargLength);
MarginalX = sum(m, 1); % sum along y and z for each value of x
% sum(MarginalX) % check that this equals 1
[~ , draw_samples] = histc(rand(numpart , 1), [0 cumsum(MarginalX)]);
position(:,1) = draw_samples .*sizeX -width;
% calculate the marginal of Y as a function of X
MarginalY = sum(PDFdiscrete, 3); % sum along y and z for each value of x
cumMargY = cumsum(MarginalY);
[~ , draw_samplesY] = histc(rand(numpart , 1), [0 cumMargY(:,draw_samples)']); % my problem is at this point: the prob distribution is different for each of the sampled points
position(:,2) = draw_samplesY .*sizeY -width;