Can zp2sos be used in an audio plugin?
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Nathan Lively
il 7 Mag 2021
Risposto: Nathan Lively
il 11 Mag 2021
I'm getting this error:
Unable to perform assignment because dot indexing is not supported for
variables of this type.
Error in filterPlugin/reset (line 21)
p.sos = zp2sos(z,p,k);
Here's my plugin code. I'm trying to keep it super simple for testing.
classdef filterPlugin < audioPlugin
% Basic IIR Butterworth lowpass for testing
properties % Public interface
properties (Constant) % Define the plugin interface
PluginInterface = audioPluginInterface();
properties (Access = private) % Internal State
sos = zeros(1,6);
function out = process(p, in)
[out] = sosfilt(p.sos,in);
function reset(p) % Initialize internal state
Fs = getSampleRate(p);
Fc = 1000; FcNormalized = Fc/(Fs/2);
[z,p,k] = butter(2,FcNormalized);
p.sos = zp2sos(z,p,k);
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Asvin Kumar
il 10 Mag 2021
The reason this error occurs is because you're using p as the "this" input argument and then overwriting it by the output of the butter function which is a column vector of complex numbers. Hence why the assignment fails. Use a modified version of the reset function to workaround this error.
function reset(this) % Initialize internal state
Fs = getSampleRate(this);
Fc = 1000;
FcNormalized = Fc/(Fs/2);
[z,p,k] = butter(2,FcNormalized);
this.sos = zp2sos(z,p,k);
4 Commenti
Asvin Kumar
il 11 Mag 2021
You can find details about functions that support code generation from the Signal Processing Toolbox here: Code Generation and GPU Support - MATLAB & Simulink (
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