Hello Vilas,
I am assuming that by “mirror of a 3-D plot”, you meant mirror of plot along some axis.
Below is an example of how negating the coordinates of an axis creates a mirror image of plot along that axis. I have created two plots, first plot to show the original plot and second plot to show the mirror of that plot along y-axis.
phiv = linspace(0,2*pi,n);
[zv, phiv] = meshgrid(zv,phiv);
zb1 = zeros(m,n,length(L));
rv3 = zeros(size(zv,1), length(L));
rv3(:,i) = -f*exp(-1.2*(phiv_loc-4).^2)+1;
[x,y,z] = pol2cart(phiv,rv,zv);
[x3,y3,z3] = pol2cart(phiv,rv3,zv);
title('Original 3D Plot')
title('Mirrored 3D Plot along y-axis')
Below is Screen Shots of the desired output :
For more information on negation of vector, refer this documentation :
Hope it helps!