mean and peak for all sample

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Ishaq Alshuaili
Ishaq Alshuaili il 25 Mag 2021
Commentato: Ishaq Alshuaili il 26 Mag 2021
this code for one sample :
[M,I] = max(pz3,[],2);
Msg=sprintf('peak is %f and it is locatedat %i index of the array\n ',z(I(1)),I(1));
M1 = sum(z.*pz3(1,:))/sum(pz3(1,:)) ;
Msg=sprintf('mean value is %f \n ',M1);
how I can generalize it to the entire sample?

Risposte (1)

DGM il 25 Mag 2021
What is "the entire sample"? Is it the entirety of pz3? Is it each row? Is it z.*pz3?
I'm going to just assume that you want to find the max and mean of a 2D array called A.
A = rand(10)
A = 10×10
0.7105 0.3732 0.6008 0.1505 0.2378 0.3719 0.1127 0.7750 0.9504 0.2775 0.8302 0.0118 0.5578 0.2057 0.1885 0.2546 0.0788 0.2278 0.3845 0.1041 0.0135 0.0674 0.8598 0.5881 0.1280 0.9999 0.2626 0.7047 0.7745 0.5728 0.9912 0.8548 0.5598 0.7705 0.7054 0.4524 0.1961 0.8815 0.0596 0.1660 0.7031 0.8162 0.7211 0.1055 0.6576 0.5292 0.5518 0.2771 0.3455 0.3161 0.4669 0.1692 0.1344 0.3577 0.7394 0.5139 0.6424 0.9441 0.9933 0.8715 0.0840 0.1055 0.7442 0.2946 0.2792 0.2208 0.9380 0.9139 0.4512 0.9012 0.1633 0.1292 0.9782 0.6147 0.6756 0.3635 0.8992 0.0145 0.1988 0.8237 0.9181 0.7343 0.9633 0.9055 0.8752 0.3824 0.1803 0.3478 0.8031 0.7840 0.7233 0.6912 0.0834 0.4913 0.1718 0.1445 0.7990 0.9673 0.3888 0.5010
The mean is simple:
mn = mean(A(:))
mn = 0.5052
If you want the global maximum and the linear index:
[mx idx] = max(A(:))
mx = 0.9999
idx = 53
If you want subscripts instead of a linear index:
[suby subx] = ind2sub(size(A),idx)
suby = 3
subx = 6

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