How to count exudates in retina binary image?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Valeska Pearson
Valeska Pearson il 7 Ago 2013
I 've got the following retina images, after implementing LAB and applying segmentation, I've got a binary image. The white is the exudates and I need to count each of them. Can you help me with code to count them accurately without including the borders and extra pixels.
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Valeska Pearson
Valeska Pearson il 8 Ago 2013
[X Y]=ginput(1);
template=double(imageIN(y ,x,:));
filterimage = ColourFilter3(imageIN,template);
subplot(2,2,1),imshow(filterimage), title 'Lab colour filtered image';
figure,imshow(a),'title binary image';
Colourfilter3 is my code to that converts image to lab colour space, and then if you click with mouse, the template is the reference of that colour you clicked on. Exudates are the yellow spots on the retina... From the binary image attached here, how must I count them?
Valeska Pearson
Valeska Pearson il 8 Ago 2013
See the link above to get the image that is the output of this code.
Colourfilter3 function is called here above. I have its code here, but it is not necessary for the question.

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Risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 9 Ago 2013
I think you need to call imfill() to make them solid - it looks like all you have are the edge outlines. Then call regionprops(). See my image segmentation tutorial in my File Exchange if you want an example.
  3 Commenti
Valeska Pearson
Valeska Pearson il 10 Ago 2013
See kasa circle fitting on matlab central for the function's coding Here is an example: LAB colourspace image
After filter and threshold image will look like this
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 10 Ago 2013
I never heard of kasa, and the link just shows an image and a histogram. regionprops() will give you the EquivDiameter and the Centroid which is all you need if you want to get the circle fit. Then just use rectangle() or plot() to put up the circle in the overlay over your image.

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