Conditionals in argument blocks

20 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Roy Goodman
Roy Goodman il 31 Mag 2021
Modificato: Lawrence il 15 Mag 2022
Is it possible to make the default value of one optional variable depend on the value of another optional variable?
In particular suppose I define a function with required argument shape and optional argument v1 so that when. The variable shape can take one of two names, and the variable v1 has different default values depending on the value of shape, or else can be specificed by a name value pair.
I should be able to make the calls
and the arguments block should assign v1=[1 0].
If I make the call
and the arguments block should assign v1=[1 sqrt(3)]/2
But then I should be able to override the defaults with the calls
myfunction('rectangle',v1=[6 4])
or else
myfunction('rectangle',v1=[5 21])
and opts.v1 will take the value specified

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Lawrence il 15 Mag 2022
Modificato: Lawrence il 15 Mag 2022
This is possible because expressions are allowed as the default value, and you can use prior arguments in expressions for later arguments.
function v1 = myFunction(shape,v1)
shape {mustBeMember(shape,{'rectangle','triangle'})}
v1 (1,2) double = calculateDefaultV1(shape)
function v1 = calculateDefaultV1(shape)
switch shape
case 'rectangle'
v1 = [1 0];
case 'triangle'
v1 = [1 sqrt(3)]/2;
Note, however, that since Name/Value pairs can be supplied by the caller in any order or omitted entirely, you're not allowed to use the value of a name-value argument in an arguments block default value expression. So, this is illegal:
function v1 = bugged_myFunction(opts)
opts.shape {mustBeMember(opts.shape,{'rectangle','triangle'})}
opts.v1 (1,2) double = calculateDefaultV1(opts.shape) %% Cannot use opts.shape here
function v1 = calculateDefaultV1(shape)
switch shape
case 'rectangle'
v1 = [1 0];
case 'triangle'
v1 = [1 sqrt(3)]/2;
You'd need to either make shape a positional argument or hand-roll your default value like Chidvi Modala described in their answer, but using ~isfield(opts,'v1') instead of nargin or exist('v1','var').

Più risposte (1)

Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala il 8 Giu 2021
You may refer to the following piece of code
function v1 = myfunction(shape, varargin)
if strcmp(shape,'rectangle')
if nargin >1
v1 = varargin{1};
v1=[1 0];
elseif strcmp(shape,'triangle')
if nargin >1
v1 = varargin{1};
v1=[1 sqrt(3)]/2;
  3 Commenti
Roy Goodman
Roy Goodman il 9 Giu 2021
Thanks for your response. I read the documentation first and then saw no way to acccomplish what I'm trying to do. That's why I posted a question.

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